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Daemon's P.o.v

I glare at my desk. Leaning back. The mirror on the far wall reflects me. My black button down is rumpled. The top four are undone. A large red mark on my face. Probably from the book that dug into my face all night. I stand and hear several pops as my joints cry out. In a moment everything is all healed. 

"Dmitri." I growl out. My brother should have woken me. I hear footsteps and then the office door is opened. Dmitri stands there, his eyes that are identical to mine are glowing mischievously. The bastard is too childish. Which explains why I am the alpha to be. Not him.

"Brother," He winks cheerfully. "You look well rested." He observes. He is my twin brother. Younger than me by two minutes.

"You didnt wake me." I grumble. Looking in the mirror again. My black hair is messy. My blue eyes are harder than Dmitri's. I walk around the desk while looking for my phone.

"You looked so peaceful." His tone is sugar sweet. I glare at him. Then spot my phone out of the corner of my eye.

"You're wearing that to school?" I ask looking over his outfit. He has a black t-shirt and dark washed jeans. Its not his usual outfit. We both were taught to dress our best. Not pull on some ratty t-shirt, that fits too tight. 

"Not going today." He says while strolling over to my desk. He picks up the werewolf family history book. Flipping through it casually.

"What do you think you're doing instead?" I ask my voice hard. I walk out my office door. Going down the hall towards our room. He follows after he sets the book down.

"There's a human party in the woods. All day." He grins. I raise an eyebrow. He despises humans. Thinks of them as children with no real problems.

"Why do you want to go to a lame party?" I ask twisting the doorknob and pushing the door to our room open. I step through. Striding to our closet. I flip through possible shirts. Picking one the same shade as my eyes.

"Janessa will be there." He says quietly. His voice all dreamy. He sits down on our huge bed and flops onto his back. I unbutton my shirt as I talk.

"She is just a human." I scowl. That girl was nothing but trouble. She was this pretty little thing with a rotten mouth. The girl was mean, always insulting everything and everyone. She said that Dmitri was better looking than me. We're twins. Its not possible.

"She is my mate." He says firmly.

"No, she isnt." I growl. My shirt dropping to the floor. He glares at the ceiling. I pull the clean shirt off its hanger and pull my arms through it. Leaving it unbuttoned. "You would have felt the connection immediately. I remember when he first saw her. She was cursing a guy out. Her hair was flowing in the breeze. We were in front of the school. Her eyes cold green. Her lips moved fast. She was pretty, but when we locked eyes I just felt cold. Dmitri didnt feel the mate bond. His wolf would have surfaced. 

"It has to be her." He says sitting up. I start buttoning my shirt. "Neither of us have met anyone even slightly similar to being a mate. I want mine now."

"You are so impatient. We're only 18." I tell him harshly. Pulling off my slack and boxer briefs. Switching on new ones. "You'll meet her. And I'll meet mine too. Then you can take Beta position and have little pups."

"Until then." He sighs. Standing up. "I'm going to this human party and wooing my girl."

"She's not-"


"Daemon," I hear a deep voice call. I adjust my backpack and turn. Facing James. His eyes are brown, his hair the same shade. He's apart of my pack. No humans attend this school. "There is a new student."

"I have heard whispers of that." I tell him. Continuing on my way to shifting science.

"She's a vampire" He says. I stop dead.


"Her name is Arabella, she has a group of male followers, and she is an old vampire."

"Then," I snarl. "Time to meet her. She needs to leave."


I stride forward. Spotting her. I can smell her from here. She doesn't smell like other vampires. She smells sweet, like vanilla. Mmm. I lick my lips. Then try to push down the fact that the smell has me holding back some very girly purring. She is surrounded by men. Four men. All four are good looking. I purse my lips. I'm mad because that means she has an advantage of numbers. I'm not jealous.

"Arabella Monroe." I call. Her eyes flash over to me. Her lips curling into a sick smile. Her eyes are blue with flecks of red. Her nose is small and pointed. Her face is delicate, her hair a thick round of platinum curls. Her skin is pale white.

"What do we have here?" She asks. Our eyes lock. Mate. "An Alpha." She purrs. Her short black, lace dress flutters in the wind. Showing even more leg. I shift awkwardly. Harder than I've ever been.

"Alpha," James looks beyond confused. My eyes flash a darker blue and I practically growl.


She barely even flinches. Like she expected this. Like nothing surprises her. She turns to one of the guys around her. Leaning into him as she rolls her eyes at my announcement. Ouch. "I hate when this happens."

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