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"Joan, I promise something like this will never happen again. That's why I came down here to personally reassure you of that." I said to the old shop owner. Joan had owned and ran her own business for years, even before I took over from my Pops.

She had short, gray, curly hair that she kept out of her face with a dull red bandana. She wore what seemed like the same thing every day, a light blue dress that went to her shins and worn brown sandals.

"I sure hope so Cain, I can't afford to keep replacing windows. I pay you protection so this doesn't happen." She scolded me, I smiled at her and nodded.

She was brave for talking to me like that, I could've had her killed with one look at Soren but I wouldn't. She was a nice old women, she was just tired of having kids fuck with her shop. I didn't blame her, she put in hours of work just to keep the place stocked with her handmade items, that doesn't even count the hours she'd work the counter, clean, and so on.

"I will have someone, discreetly, outside the shop at all times until we find who has been bothering you. I will personally come and inform you when the situation has been dealt with." She smiled at me and patted my cheek.

"Sounds good to me, now why don't you and your friend take some cookies? I just pulled them out of the oven before you arrived." She smiled as she held up a plate of fresh chocolate chip cookies. Damn her, the women knew my weakness; sweets. I smiled and accepted while grabbing two cookies.

I looked at Soren as I walked out of the shop. He was my right hand man and my best friend. We grew up together and in the line of work our parents and we are in, to say we are close is an understatement.

He was the same height as me, six feet tall. With dirty blonde hair that never seemed to be in the same style twice and dull blue eyes that I, honestly, hadn't seen shine with happiness in years.

I had been trying to set him up with someone for a long time, but everytime I pointed someone out, male, female, or other, he would deny. It was only a few weeks before that that I had decided to stop, if he was meant to be with someone then someone would come to him. If he wanted to be alone then alone I would leave him.

"Make sure that Henry stays here. Have him switch shifts with Jamie for night watches. I want to find out who is fucking with that woman and I want to find out yesterday." I said as I offered him a cookie, like always, he denied.

"I don't know why you're having them watch when we both know who it was. It's the same group everytime." He said, referring to our rivals the Ravens. They were a newer group, only a few years old, and were trying to move into our territory.

"You and I also know that my great-grandfather didn't start the City Crows to retaliate without proof. He started this group to help the community and no matter how much times change, and how many other business decisions I make that he wouldn't, that's the one thing I will not change. Our community is everything, they need to trust us. They won't do that if we go around giving out punishments to people who don't deserve it."

He said nothing as we made our way back to our base, which was also my house.

"Boys!" Olive said as we walked through the front door. He must've been waiting for us because he quickly stood from the stairs.

Olive was our tech genesis, he could hack into anything and was a great member to have. He also happened to be a great lay every now and then, very willing to try anything and please. He had soft, wavy brown hair, and dark blue doe eyes. His skin was smooth and free of any freckles and moles. He also had a pouty pair of pink lips that looked great both wrapped around a cock and in a ball-gag.

"Yes, Olive?" Soren said with his usual dull tone. He never seemed to show any emotion, it was like Soren took his death harder than I did.

"I was listening to one of the bugs we have on some of our people by the docks, and I heard something I'd thought you'd like to know." I nodded at him for him to continue. "Someone came by the docks and asked if we gave out loans. Obviously they denied, but the guy seemed desperate. I called Caleb and had him get the guy's name so we could find him if you wanted."

I nodded at him and then turned to Soren, "We should set up a meeting with him. Figure out what he needs and why, then go from there. Send Charlee and James." I then turned to Olive and patted his head, his soft hair feathering through my fingers. "Good thinking," I tightly grabbed his hair in my fist and pulled so his head was straining to look up at me. He gasped as his eyes widened. "But if you do something like that without my permission again, it's me and you upstairs for a punishment. You could've given him false hope, we don't do that."

"Y-yes sir, I'm sorry sir." He whimpered softly, he acted scared but I could see the lust growing in his eyes.

It wasn't like I took all of my men to my playroom if they did something I didn't like. I only took the ones that were willing, like Olive. The others get normal Mafia punishments, like a shot to the leg or something. Just like how community meant everything to my mafia side, consent meant everything to my dom side.

 Just like how community meant everything to my mafia side, consent meant everything to my dom side

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