Asking (J x N)

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Nicky_The_Bitch_Boy (AO3) asked:
J x N fluff pls, any type will do!

I'll be using a AU of mine named "Humanity" for this one.
If you have any questions about it, just ask, there's nothing written about it yet.

Two figures could be seen at a dead field. They were sitting in a bunch of rocks with a giant pyramid on the distance, the pyramid was cut into 3 pieces by blue neon lines that shined at the sky. In the rocks were N, a disassembly drone with a trench coat; messy silver hair and a captain cap on the head, on his side was Human, he wore a normal white shirt with black pants; his right arm and leg were from disassembly; his left eyes was a shard of a visor piercing his skin that works; he has white hair, but only on the left side of his face, since in the other he has a ginat burn mark. Human looked at disbelief at N, he could not believe what he had just told him.

"So, let me get this right. You want to date J?" Human asked in disbelief. N blushed and turned his head to the side, hiding it from Human.

"Y-Yes, before you say anything, I alredy forgave her, I don't hold any grudge against her" N said with a bit more of confidence.

"You don't need to tell me that, I could guess it, but N! J literally controls the facility we live in" N looked at Human not knowing what the problem was. Human sighed "N, J has control over the entire facility, this means all weapons, ships and drones, emphasis on the disassembly, she knows everything that happens inside, has no body and... I'm sorry to tell you, but she probably hates you" Human looked at N with empathy, he knew the boy was havinga hard time, but dating J was too much. That's when he noticed that N was blushing even harder. Human's expression dropped "Don't tell me you're into that" Human asked with the little hope he had in his soul. N jumped at the question.

"W-What, n-no *cof*cof* of course not" N looked to the side, not wanting to face Human. That was enough confirmation for the human, he looked in disbelief at his friend, thinking that N didn't let people walk over him because he was too kind, but because he liked that. There was some time of silence, making N very nervous, until Human started laughing. N didn't understand what was happening and thought it was all very weird, so he decided to interrupt the human "So, can you help me?" Human stopped laughing and looked at N.

"You know how J feels about me, so I can't really help you on this one, you'll have to this by yourself" N looked at his hands, he was afraid of asking her out, but he couldn't hold it any longer "But, I'll tell you" N looked at Human from the corner of his eyes "If you're going to ask her out, ask in the most you way possible" N wasn't expecting genuine advice from Human, even if he alredy knew that, but his concern for his well being made N smile.

"Thanks, you're really a good friend" Human looked in front of him with a blank expression, he could only think about Tessa, the one he failed with, he shook his head and smiled to N, while getting up.

"Well, it's my time to go, don't want any humans sneaking on us, but before, be warned, if you, somehow, start dating J, you'll lose your privacy and be constantly walked over" Human looked at N with a worried expression, but the moment he saw N was blushing at this thought, he simply turned while muttering "God, you're hopeless" Human then put his jetpack out from his back and started flying to the pyramid. N stayed where he was for some time, looking at the ground, thinking on what he could do, until he spreaded his wings and flew to the same place as Human. N landed in front of one of the pyramid entrances, putting his wings back, he entered it. When he steped inside he saw a white corridor and a female robotic voice rang through the building.

"The moron is back" N smiled when he heard J's voice, making his tail waggle. He walked down the corridor, seeing some disassembly walking and working. He greeted everyone he met on the way, earning some annoyed glares, some ignored him, but others replied to his greeting. N continued walking, going up some stairs, until he was on the 3º level of the pyramid, this level is restricted to some specific people, he stopped in front of a door and clicked a button on the side, soon a camera came out and scanned him, then, opened the door letting him in. Inside he met Human, Uzi and a hologram of J across a table, planning what they could do. V was on the side sleeping, since she found this all boring. The trio was too focused on thinking to notice that N had entered the room, N noticed this and decided to not interfere, since last time he ended up with a bullet in his shoulder, he slowly made his way towards his chair and sat there, looking at what they were doing. Human, Uzi and J weren't talking, just moving some holograms from place to place while pointing to others. N didn't understand and wanted to ask, but didn't want to disturb them, so he stayed silent. Some time passed and nothing happened, N was bored and wanted to do something, but was too afraid to do anything, that's until Uzi groaned in annoyance.

(CLOSED) Murder Drones oneshots... Kinda, also lazy writerWhere stories live. Discover now