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The lodge was oak wood, pristine and simple, however very huge. It held 3 rooms; one room of 4, one room of 3 and one of 2. Billie travelled to the room of four.
"I'm staying in here is that alright Cam?" Billie asked.
"Yeah totally fine. I don't know yet. I'll wait for everyone else." He replied as everyone started to enter.
"Sick!" Joey screamed.
"Omg omg Bri share with me!" Angelina screamed.
Bailey and Joey bashed into the room. "Okay we're sharing!" they both shouted.
"We need one more!" Billie laughed.
"Ill come." Leo shouted smiling as he entered the room.
"Dibs top bunk!" Billie shouted at Bailey.
"Okay okay!" She laughed.

Professor Henry entered in a hurry.
"Okay have we got our rooms?", he said as he scurried around. "Us four have" Bailey shouted.
"Very well then. Angelina, Troy, Cam share a room. Then Brianna and Ashley."
"Cool." Ashley eye rolled as she walked into the room.
"Hi I'm Brianna you can call me Bri. I know we haven't really talked before but."
"Shush." Angelina shouted.
"Oh." Brianna whimpered.
"Don't listen to her I'm Ashley." She smiled.
"Everyone sleep please it's lights out at 10pm it's currently 9:56pm!" Professor shouted.

Everyone climbed in their bed as if they were going to sleep. When professor left Angelina screamed out "let's play spider cabin!"
"Yes!" Everyone replied.
The aim of the game was to see which two partners got caught together in the dark by a phone call.
"I'm making teams. Me and Cam. Bill and Leo." Angelina continued.
"Bro that's my boyfriend!" Ashley nudged her sister.
"Spicing things up Ash. Ashley and Troy. Brianna and Bailey. Oh Brianna is asleep. Oh well she is boring as fuck. Um fine, Bailey and Joey!" Angelina smiled, "off you go bitches."

Billie and Leo ran to the upstairs hall of the cabin. "Oh my god I'm scared it's lightless!" Billie shivered.
"Yeah. Maybe it's not the best game to be playing at the moment." Leo agreed, "here follow me! I know a secret cupboard cabin."
Billie followed to a hidden den in the cabin. It had decorated fairy lights and bean bags.
"Holy shit this is pretty!" Her face lit up.
"Yeah damn it is!" Leo replied.
"So... what you wanna do I mean. We ain't getting caught in here."
As Billie said that her phone started to ring. It was Angelina.

Angelina: Billie
Billie: yeah
Angelina: I sense you here... in the hallway
Billie: I'm downstairs
Angelina: I'm coming!
Angelina said over the phone as you could here her footsteps trembling.

Smut TW
"Anyways back to us. What are we doing?" She asked.
"I know." Leo said as he kissed her gently.
"Oh do you?" She seductively asked.
"Yeah I do." Leo said as he unbuckled his belt that was holding his khaki shorts up.
Billie went down on him carefully and cautiously.
"We can't let no one hear." She said knowing her and Joey had a fling going on and Leo and Ashley were dating.
As Billie rose up Leo got on top of her; to where he caressed her breasts and fucked her with chemistry.
However they were interrupted by the shriek of Angelina.
"Shit!" They screamed both looking at each other.

They hurried out hand in hand to where they found Angelina covered in blood.
"Oh my holy fuck!" She cried, "I found. I- Ashley. Dead!" She cried.
"Oh my god." Leo screamed letting go of Billies hand and running downstairs.
"NO LEO! BE CAREFUL!" Billie screamed.
Bailey ran upstairs with Joey. "What the fuck! I just saw a figure dragging out a FUCKING BODY?!" Bailey yelled.
"It's Ashley." Billie teared up as she leaped down the stairs with Bailey.
"Where are you motherfucker!" Bailey screamed.

Angelina got a call.
"Hello!" She cried.
"Oh hello Angie. It's the prick that killed your sister!" Ghostface laughed.
"No you son of a bitch!" She yapped, "Your pure evilness!"
"You do realise right? She's not dead as yet. She's slashed but still screaming." Ghostface hassled.
"WHAT?" Angelina begged.
Ghostface delivered next to Ashley's mouth. Angelina could here the suffering muffled screams coming from her.
"LEAVE HER PLEASE!" Angelina cried.
"I give up Angie! Come and get her. In the living room. Just us three. I'll pull off the mask." Ghostface teased.
Angelina hurried down the stairs to find Ghostface with Ashley's body on the sofa.

"Wrong choice." He said jumping over the sofa and onto Angelina.
"NO. PLEASE!" She cried as he slit her throat deeply. Blood exploded from her mouth and neck as she took her last few breaths.

The next morning the lodge was a crime scene.
Angelina was dead. And so was Ashley.
The group all cried sitting on the edge of an ambulance as body bags were being carried out.
A loud announcement came over the speakers.
"Morning Scholars. I'm very disappointed to tell you of the loss of the two Boseman sisters Angelina and Ashley. I'm now communicating with the staff and we've decided a new lockdown. Billie Riley, Cameron Riley, my two sons Leo and Joey Jackson, Brianna Madison, Troy Spink and Bailey Welch you have all been assigned a new cabin. 4 in each room. All windows and doors locked at all times. No going out past 5pm!"

The remaining eight carried their things over to the new cabin. "Fuck." Billie cried. She was so scared. Two more of her friends had gone.
"Joey, Leo, Bills your staying with me." Cam said.
Billie sat down on her bed and set the old summer picture of her Amber, Wes and Chad up. She also set up the one with her and Sam. "I'm sorry guys." She cried, "I'm so sorry. I can't do this anymore. I don't think we're gonna win." She put her head in her knees. Leo rushed over and hugged her with Cam while Joey gazed in fear.
"We've got this." Cam said hopeful.
"We do!" Leo said as he hugged Billie tightly.

Night came on faster than usual. All that was heard was the echoing owls.
Billie sat in her bed while everyone was fast asleep.
"Leo." She whispered.
"Yeah!" He whispered back to her surprise.
"Oh my god get here!" She said.
Leo tiptoed over to Billie's bed and eagerly climbed in it. "I'm being little spoon." Billie jinxed.
"Fine!" Leo moaned as he hugged her softly.
"Leo. I kissed Joey not long ago. What if he sees us." Billie stated.
"We're just friends Billie." He replied.
Billie frowned uncomfortably.
"Only in his eyes!" He joked.
"Fucking idiot!" She said hitting him with her pillow.
Leo kissed Billie before they both fell asleep cutely.

In the morning they woke up to the humid air filling the room.
Billie went downstairs while Leo was still waking up to make an iced coffee.
"Hey." She said as she eyed Joey in the kitchen. He just ignored her and walked on eating his cereal.
"What's wrong?" She asked.
"You know what. You sleeping with my brother!" He raged.
"Bro calm down! You didn't even think to care yesterday when I was bawling my eyes out. You've been so distant ever since the kiss." She raged back.
"Your the one who said you wasn't ready!"
"Yeah I didn't want to take things too fast. You know how much trauma I have?! Clearly not. But it's fine you know what keep blanking me it's like talking to a brick wall!" She shouted.
"Fine. Let it stay that way."
"Let it mate. I don't care anymore." Billie brushed him off.
"Your just too selfish Billie." He said, "you betray people that's what you do."

Billie stopped. Realising exactly what happened in New York. She started tearing up as she put the milk back in the fridge. Cam and Leo came down stairs and alerted her. She quickly wiped her tears.
"Hey Leo. Hey Cam." She smiled.
"Hey Bills." Cam smiled as she sat down.
"Hey Billie." Leo smirked as he hugged her and gave her a peck.
"Woah is this like a thing?" Cam asked.
"I don't know is it?" Leo asked.
"It's definitely something but not boyfriend and girlfriend just yet." She smiled.

Brianna, Troy and Bailey came down.
"Hey guys." Bailey said.
"Hey Bailey." Cam replied.
The morning was cold but there was an uneasy presence spiralling.

𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐘𝐁𝐎𝐃𝐘 𝐃𝐈𝐄𝐒, screamWhere stories live. Discover now