
325 11 1

Gamer AU
Michael's pov:
I was gossiping with Maisie over the phone. Spilling all the drama that had happen since she was at work.
"Exactly! She said to me that she had a crush on him but he's dating her best friend" I exclaimed pacing round the room. I hadn't realized how much I'd been moving around, until Noah yelled.
"Go in front of the TV again and I'll bend you over right then and there."
I stopped talking, I completely forgot he was here. My cheeks heat up from his words as I muttered a sorry and continued the conversation. But then Maisie brought something up, CRAZY DRAMA and is Airtel pacing around again. In front of the TV.
"So he's cheating?" I say frustrated from the guy's idiotic.
I curse out the guy we were on about but was interrupted. By being yanked onto someone's lap. I see Noah and shriek in surprise. He tightens his arm around me, his headset was still on.
"You clearly don't know the definition of instructions."

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