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Ivan's fist were tightly clenched around the steering wheel as we drove down the street. He clearly wasn't very pleased with my choice in conversation as he successfully managed to shut down every attempt I made to start another.

It wasn't even that bad was it? I was only joking and the whole fangs and turning me thing, besides I'm sure he mentioned before that turning me would eventually have to happen so i really don't know what is problem is.

"Are we really going back to the silent treatment?....we spend more time arguing and ignoring each other then we actually do getting along.... I blame you" I blurt out disrupting the silence.

He looks at me from the corner of his eyes and clenches his jaw.

"Yeah that's right it your fault we always argue and fight. When things are going alright Ivan decides he wants to mess everything up, oh look Rogue is peacefully sat on my lap, you know what I might just call her a fatty for the sake of it. You're mean, rude, inconsiderate, arrogant and power crazy not mention extremely jealous with a light pinch of serious anger issue, by the way you might want to consider taking a class or speaking someone about that, they might give you some pills" my words were rushed and completely out of the blue, my reasons for snapping like that were non existent and by the looks of it so was Ivan's calmness.

"You know what Rogue YOU have a serious fucking problem, in fact you have many problems, about 50 to be exact. You're extremely annoying, stupid and immature. I find your frigidness frustrating and your upbeat personality beyond aggravating. I find you somewhat unbearable for the majority of the time. To be honest I've been trying to get past your flaws, all 5000 of them, but it's turning out to be quite a mission and I'm not sure I'm cut out for it" he snaps back but his words were a lot more powerful then mine.

His words he chose to describe me were hurtful and mean but I should of seen it coming Ivan is not the person known to back down from a fight.

"Well aren't you sweet, oh how hard you must of had it dealing with all my flaws" I force out unable to give a sarcastic or smart mouth comment in return.

I tried my best to hide my wounded expression but just like everything else I do, it failed to go unnoticed by Ivan, his face hardened before changing, guilt and regret was evident on his face.

"Well I'm glad we both got that of our chests, it's obvious we feel as if this isn't going to work so let's not drag this out any longer" as the car came to a stop I took that as a cue to remove myself from the situation...... When I say remove mean leave and when I say situation I'm referring to the car.

I don't wait to hear Ivan's words or see his reaction as I momentarily adjust to my surroundings.

After missing an oncoming vehicle by a fraction, I dart across the road almost breaking my ankles in the process. I turn down the street and make my way towards a library. I know exactly where we are, it's about 25 minutes from my house, I used to come to this library when I was taking my exams. It wasn't the most modern or well kept place around but it was private and not many people visited it. God knows how this place is still up and running.

I push my way through the heavy doors and make my way into the building, just like any other library the atmosphere was dull and dead, the smell of wood polish and old books filled the air. The dust caused my nose to tickle as well as making eyes water. An old unfamiliar lady was sat at the front desk minding her own business, clearly unfazed by my presence as I slowly stalked towards the stairs that lead to second and third floor.

The sound of heels thumping against the poorly carpeted stairs had echoed around the building as I continued to walk up the steps.

The tedious climbing had slightly tired me out leaving me desperate for a rest. I made my way to the back of the room on the third floor, to retire at a very well known desk.

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