The Woods are filled with Friends

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About a month has passed since I joined the army. I train with Dark and the other members every day. Jane gave up finding the monster a few weeks ago.

The thing is I remember transforming into the beast right in front of her...

I guess only Dark saw my true form. I wonder if Jane was confused by me running on all fours? That would have been funny to watch.

Anyways, I've made some friends in camp and we get along quite well! I met a girl named Zero, she's about 16 years old. She has White hair and her eyes are a whitish grey color too! She has stitches across her mouth that make her look like a skeleton, a little creepy but they make her unique too. I've also befriended a small doll like creature whom calls himself the tails doll. He's so cute!

I saw him flying around the outsides of the camp, and ever since I met him we've been the best of friends! Apparently Tails wasn't allowed in camp so I had to meet him secretly.

I have also seen a strange boy, a really weird guy who has these stitches all over his body. I think his name is Liu but I've never really met him before. He's about 17 years old, gosh everyone is older than me.... He has Jade green eyes and short brown hair that barely reaches his neck. He wears this black and grey checkered scarf at all times so you never see him without it.

He's really quiet and only says what needs to be said, he completes his training without a scratch even on him, and he keeps talking about revenge and other stuff about killing this guy who did something to him. To be honest I don't understand boys, it takes years for them and only minutes for us. I took revenge on Daddy in a matter of hours, this guy had yet to complete his goal in several years.

I keep up my physical strength by sparring against the other soldiers. At first they were hesitant to fight me because I am younger than them, but they soon came around. The first I had fought with was Zero, and that's actually how I met her. I kicked her butt as Dark would have said. He uses that phrase a lot so I decided to test it out.

I remember the saying quite fondly in my memories. It was my fourth day with the army and I didn't have a new outfit to wear because I was the youngest in the camp. Because of this, I kept on my dress. Almost all of the blood was washed off of it, all except the really deep stains from Daddy and his friends. Thankfully Jane said she'd find some detergent for me on the next raid.

I know that all of the matches in the camp take place in the special training grounds, which are located in another empty clearing. This is so the soldiers in their tents can't hear the fights.

That day Zero had led me to the clearing, and I almost got lost without her. Dark wouldn't have wanted me to fight, but he wasn't at the camp for some reason. I remember getting to the training grounds and being set up a little with advice like: "give up you pipsqueak," and "aim for the face". It was all very inspiring.

When we were both prepared and the match started, we began, I had started by running at her with inhuman agility, she had blocked my attack with a hidden knife she had secretly put in her sleeve. I had smiled, they didn't really know I had a knife of my own so I had my own sort of secret! I backed up and thought of my options, I decided to use the easiest. I started another mad dash towards her and at the last second I ducked down and ran under her legs behind her. It took her a moment to turn around and when she did I then use my size to squeeze through her defenses and deliver a blow to the skull. Making her collapse, I had to help her up. I didn't even need to use my knife that battle.

We soon became friends and rivals because she had never been beaten before in a fight, we started hanging out and battling regularly. I won and lost and pretty soon most of the other soldiers joined in. Every day after the sun would go down I would walk into the woods to meet my very best friend, the one who I could share all my secrets with and talk freely.

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