Relaxing (Nori x Teacher)

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InspiredDragonWriter (AO3) asked:
Here is a challenge one xD don't have to do it if you don't want to.
Fluff between the teacher ( fan name Liam) X Nori before got with khan xD

Nori was tired, her work always demanded a lot of her, but it had ended, so she could go home. She always liked her home, it was comfortable amd calm, remembered her of old time, but most importantly, it was where Liam lived. Liam was a normal worker drone, he was very smart, wanted to be a teacher, was a bit emotioneless, but caring nonetheless.

Nori arrived at her home and opened the door, inside she could see Liam sitting in a chair, studying english. He's always so focused on studying, some times more than Nori likes, but today Nori had the plan of stopping him and making him relax a little.

"Honey, I'm home!" Nori annouced. Liam did not look at her.

"Hello, how was your day"

"The usual, very tiring. I think I'm gonna take a nap real quick" Nori stopped behind Liam and hugged him from the back "Why don't you join me?" Nori said in a seductive tone. Liam blushed, but quickly recomposed himself.

"Tempting, but I have to study, sorry, maybe another time" Liam said, not looking at Nori, since he knew that if he did, he wouldn't resist. He had to focus in studying, this was his future in play.

"Ooow, c'mon!"

"No Nori, I need to study" Nori crossed her arms, she alredy tried seducing him in the past, so this time she would have to try something new. Nori stepped back.

"Okay *sniff* I'll go to the room then" Nori runned to the room. Liam looked back, he wasn't sure, but he thought he heard Nori crying. As much as he wanted to continue studying, if Nori was sad he had to check on her. He walked to their room and entered, inside he saw Nori laying on the bed, grabbing his pillow on her chest, she was clearly upset with something. Liam slowly walked to the bet and layed behind her, he hugged her from behind.

"Whats the matter honey?" Liam said softly. Quickly Nori turned and wrapped her legs around him. He looked up and saw Her face, a big smile across it, that's when he noticed he fell in a trap "C'mon Nori, I have to study".

"No, you study too much, it's time to relax a little" She said while tightening her grip on him. Liam simply gave up and hugged her back "Serious, you study too much, you have to relax some times, it's good for your mental health" Liam smiled.

"Okay, okay, I'll try to relax more often" Nori and Liam slpet the rest of the day hugging each other in bed.

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