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Scared, confused,
In the middle of nowhere, I stood
All alone in the dark
The only source of light, a blazing fire
Its brightness, sharply contradicted the backdrop of unheavenly darkness
I watched the flames roar with all their might
I stared helplessly as the fire burnt everything in its path,
Paving its way towards me, consuming me
Holding me prisoner

My eyes snapped open to an archway of lillies,
The most lovely ornament however is the radiance I emitted
A sort of radiance that could only come from being rejuvenated
I wouldn't dare close my eyes again,
And let my soul wander in the unknown
Once, twice, but not thrice,
Those flames that once consumed me
Have perished with the past, never to ignite again
Breath in, breath out, I told myself
Like a Phoenix, I've risen from my ashes,
But unlike a Phoenix, I wouldn't let the flames devour me again.

Every once in a while, there comes a moment in life when your world and every single thing on it comes to a dreadful standstill. During such moments, you understand that this life....this life was all just a basket of sorrow punctuated by sparse, barely existent moments of happiness. It's a merry-go-round that carries you through turns upon turns of tragedy.  A roller coaster ride. One minute you're all the way up with the whole world beneath you, and then the next, you're down so low that getting back up might be impossible again.

It might seem like things will never be the same again, it might seem like your smile has faded forever. But you still hang on, hold on, and hope that a miracle comes along to save you. But instead of the miracle coming to you, you realize that you've been harboring thousands of miracles within you. And amidst all the chaos, you actually find something find yourself.

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