Hale Fire

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"thank you." I say as we pull up to our driveway.

"thank you for what? I just gave you a name."

"yea, a last name."

"how is that helpful?"

"its the 21st contrary. We have internet now so with a last name I could find his whole family tree."

"ok, well I got to go help scott. Have Fun!." he yells as he pulls out.

I walk into my house and before I can go up the stairs my mom walks towards me.

"i just over heard you asked the sherrif boy for a last name."

"where you spying?" I say as I head towards my room.

"where do you think your going?"

"to my room?"

"what do you need to do in your room."



"why moms are all of a sudden being pushy." I retort as I enter my room and shut the door.

Ok so I have a full name Derek Hale. Now all I need to do is google him.i grab my laptop and login in. I go to the google site and enter Derek Hale From Beacon Hills. a link came up from wiki. I clicked the link hoping it would give me detailes.

Fire in Beacon Hills Kills most of the Hale Family.

At 7:15 in the morning a fire accured at the hale Residence. the house is located in the middle of the woods set in Beacon Hills. there were no survivors you made it out a live. Derek Hale and His sister Laura Hale where attending Beacon Hills High School when the fire was taking Place. the police counted 8 deceased people after they stopped the fire. the start of the fire is said to be electrical malfunction. the cause of death is the same for all hale family members which was smoke inhalation. After the report was finished the added a possibility that the fire was arson. currently there has been no arrests in the case because there isn't enough evidence supporting arson.

Oh my god! that's terribale. his whole family practically burned to death and they don't have and closer. poor derek, i thought to myself.

despite the fact that he was the main cause for my terrible nightmares, he still had a very harsh and horrible past that he has to live with. One thing was for sure, derek hale was not what I thought he was.

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