3. Second Jade

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The next day, Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian are very happy because they were getting the chance to go to Cloud Recess's college.

Together they pack all their belongings and leave for Cloud Recess.

On the way, Jiang Yanli's health begins to deteriorate slightly.

***Flashback Start***

Last night, Jiang Yanli meets Jin Zixuan, her parents' arranged her fiance.

Her fiance Jin Zixuan suddenly starts making faces after seeing her inside the same inn.

Jiang Yanli knew since childhood that there was no love relationship between her and her fiance Jin Zixuan.

But whenever she brings in her heart the thought of meeting her fiance Jin Zixuan.

By then her fiance Jin Zixuan behaves badly after seeing her because he is very arrogant Jin heir.

The truth is that he doesn't care about Jiang Yanli. Jiang Yanli always felt very sad seeing all this.

Yesterday, when she met her fiance Jin Zixuan and wanted to talk to him, but his fiance Jin Zixuan taunted her in a bad manner.

Because of which Jiang Yanli is unable to sleep the whole night due to him.

Her health also deteriorates because she was crying the whole night.

Jiang Yanli thinks to herself that her parents should have chosen a good life partner for her.

Jiang Yanli's fiance Jin Zixuan doesn't deserve her at all.

She is forced to maintain this relationship only for the honor of her parents and the tie-up between two sects.

***Flashback End***

Jiang Yanli was unable to bear the insult at all by her fiance Jin Zixuan.

She was thinking about him again and again. Due to which Jiang Yanli's health deteriorates.

Therefore, Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian have to stop at a place on the way to cloud recess.

Both of them were taking good care of Jiang Yanli. She is the most special person for both of them.

Both of them love Jiang Yanli very much because her heart is the purest among everyone.

Jiang Yanli felt sad that because of her both of them had to stay.

Few hours passes and One by one all sect disciples went to Cloud Recess.

Jiang Yanli's health almost gets better in the evening and then they all leaves for Cloud Recess.

As soon as he reaches in front of Cloud Recess College, they see that the door there is closed.

Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng feel very sad that they were reached late in the evening.

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