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It's been almost three months. Spencer and I are celebrating our one-month anniversary at his house after school. It's been going pretty great so far. Nothing about me has changed other than me having a boyfriend. Mag's was, and is, happy for us. She still hasn't found someone, but we're rooting for her. I'm kind of nervous about going to Spencer's house. I've only been there three times and never for an anniversary. I suggested that we watch some movies and he seemed to like that idea. Once school got out, we met by the main entrance and I followed him to his car.

"Happy one month, beautiful," he said as we both climbed inside. I don't know why he calls me beautiful, I'm far from it. I never liked girly nicknames. They make me uneasy, but I never told Spencer. I don't want to upset him.

"Happy one month, Spence," I smiled at him.

"Ready to go to my house?" he asked. I nodded as he started the car. We listened to the radio as he drove down the street.

"What movie do you wanna watch?" he asked as we pulled into his driveway.

"You can pick, I don't mind," I replied, getting out of the parked car.

"Wanna watch a scary movie?" he looked into my eyes as we walked towards his porch.

"Yeah, sure," I smiled. He smiled back as he led me upstairs to his room. He opened the bedroom door and let me in. his smell filled my nose as soon as I walked in. I looked around his semi-clean room.

"You haven't been in my room, have you?" he asked, lying down on his bed.

"Nope, I haven't," I replied, sitting next to him.

"Do you want something to eat or drink?" he asked, turning the TV on.

"No, thank you though," I smiled at his thoughtfulness.

"Well, make yourself comfortable, the movie's about to start," he said. I carefully lay next to him as he clicked 'play' on the movie. He wrapped his arms around me and held me close.

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