14 | Birthday Girl

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"Rain or shine, we have made it to Cathedral Cove. And today is Penelope's birthday." Elton starts the video so the guys cheer them and sing happy birthday to her.

"Thank you, thank you." She blushes.

"Are we ready to get this hike done?" Elton asks the four.

The hike there was pretty easy and Penelope just enjoyed looking at the nature that she hardly paid attention to the guys playing around.

"I don't think any other birthday will outdo this." Penelope says standing with Colby and Sam alone looking out at the ocean.

"We still have many birthdays to try to outdo this." Sam puts an arm around her so Colby does the same.

"You got a better birthday compared to us this year." Colby pats her back so they go back to Elton and Corey.

The guys play around more so Penelope takes pictures with her phone of everything and a few selfies of the ocean behind her so Colby photobombs her.

"Must you?" She gives him a look.

"Duh!" He runs off.

Colby ends up in a tree so Penelope takes a picture of him and he gives her a big smile making her giggle, "Okay, now get down without hurting yourself more. I can take care of cuts and scraps but not broken bones." She points her finger up at him.

"Okay, mommy." He gets down the way he got up.

Once he was down, Elton suggested a photo shoot for them all to do, "Penelope, you're a model so give us some tips." He tells her.

"Be confident and don't be shy. Act like you own the world. It's all about you." She tells him what her first photographer told her when she started.

"You heard her boys." Elton claps his hands.

During their little photo shoot, they had a good time making Penelope crack up at how they were acting. When it started to rain they waited in the cave before heading back down for the day. After taking a few minutes to eat a snack, Elton drives wanting to go to the hot water beach.

Getting there Sam and Corey play around while the other three try working on making a hole but luckily someone gives them theirs when they leave.

"Guys we just spent an hour and a half making this." Sam says making Penelope and Colby look at him.

"You spent an hour and a half or we spent an hour and a half." Colby tells him.

"You two played around while we worked." She laughs at him.

"At what point did you touch this and put it in there?" Elton asks Corey holding the shovel.

"I did like..." Corey starts.

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