20 6 5

I just stood, swaying from side to side, gazing out of the door and off into space while singing a combination of many different songs:

"If the whole world was watching I'd still dance with you, we used to be close but people can go from people you know to people you don't and what hurts the most is that people can go from people you know to people you don't, I'm in a field of dandelions wishing on everyone that you'd be mine, R U mineeee? I wanna be yours secrets I have held in my heart are harder to hide than I thought, sweet dreams are made of this, say the word your wish is my command"

Another strange thing that I do is when I'm writing a part to a story I have to go to a certain number of words, either ending in a 5 or 0 or if I spot a particular pattern in the number e.g. 969 or 222.

I'm not very musical but I enjoy memorising things I'm not the next Eminem but I do have a little trick up my sleeve. When I was 10 I memorised alphabet aerobics one of the most lyrically complex wraps. I can still do it today but A LOT faster.

I am good at memorising things so when I did plays in primary I got the lead role a few times. In fact my reception teacher who I had when I was four still remembers me the cause of how well I did in my performance at Christmas I memorized at least 12 lines which for a four-year-old I'd say it's quite impressive plus sang a solo that's just who I am I like being the main part in a performance because I am quite dramatic I'm a very, yeah I'm a dramatic bitch I don't care and I like exaggerating and things like that.

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