The University

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You arrive with Tom and look around while you take your bags out. You wanna see it it all and drag Tom with you as you see a studio and a stage room where people could sing or play. The cafeteria was huge and it was people everywhere there with their parents. 

After you saw the school you started to look for your room with Tom. All the girls stood in shock when they saw you walk with him to find your room with your hand in his and in the other your room key with the number on it and you both looked for the room and didn't care about the girls seeing him there, then you found the room with your bags in your arm and his hands. 

"this is the room" as he tried to point at your room and you saw it. 

You both bring in the bags and put them on the bed and bedsheets ready for you.

"hello I'm Sam nice to meet you" and as she saw Tom she git into shock. 

"babe couldn't hide your pretty face a little better" you told Tom. 

"you wanted me to help you as fast as possible darling" 

"your.. Your.. T-toh Tom" coming from Sam then you just lead her out of the room for some minutes so she could get her breath back. 

"finally I can get a kiss from my lovely student" he smiled to you flirty. 

"no, you have to help me get my stuff out" you told him. 

"come on one kiss before work love" he asked. 

"oki one kiss" you smiled. 

He kissed you and picked you up and kissed you with passion and started to kiss your neck while the girls heard "fuck Tom you feel so good" coming  from you behind the door while he kissed your neck you melted and gave in as he got control over your body you followed his every single move on you. He sat down on the and started to play with you (down there) and you closed your eyes and felt his strong fingers inside you, it felt so good and he was amazing with his fingers as you came faster than ever there.  

"ahh.. fuck. Now we have to get my stuff out" you told him. 

Sam came in some minutes later and acted normal when she saw him. You and Tom took out your stuff while she did her stuff and she actually got used to him in the room helping you. 

When you were done you follow him back to the car and gave him a goodbye kiss, a long one against the car. When you were done he left and you both wanted sex right away, he came back and dragged you to the nearest empty toilet then he fucked you fast and hard and you loved it before he left again. With just a hug this and a kiss on the cheek this time. 

You started your first lesson the next day after you came and you got the books on the desk and you can keep the book while you walk on the school there.

You stay with Sam in the lunch while Tom live his life with Bobby at home, but he calls you now and then because he misses you and text you. He learned your classes and your free time, so now he knows when you're free. 

You start your classes at 9am and the school finish at 4pm. You go to a small a street food with Sam and get a text from Tom asking how you are. 

you text back "I'm good, miss you btw<3" 

"miss you to my love. When can I visit you?" he texted back. 

"it has been two days haha, but I will wait a week then I think it's allowed with visit" you text him as you started to walk back with Sam laughing.

"what is Tom like?" she asked you. 

"he is the sweetest boyfriend you could get" you smiled to her. 

"how is he in bed" she asked you spicy. 

"his good, and when I say good I mean good" you grin. 

After some gossip you go to sleep and take a fast call to Tom to tell him goodnight and tell him that you miss him. 


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