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Excerpt from Te Amo:

This awful sense of startling reality, all muddled in a disconnected dissonance. A jerk of a heartbeat. A coloring of the cheeks. A slip of a step.

She held a hand over her heart as she glanced a couple seats down. There it was. A lanky frame hunched over some work, scribbling away at the piece of paper on his desk and looking up every now and then. He was caught in his own world again, and she found herself entranced by it that she failed to realize she was slipping from her seat in her dream-like state. A hand steadied her.

"Whoa, there," Yuzuki said, throwing her a blinding smile, and all she could do was smile back. She used to think his copper colored hair set him apart from everyone else, but now, it just appeared limp on him.

"So," he said, squeezing in to the desk next to her and giving her wink. "What's your answer?"

Her smile faltered a bit, but she maintained it all the way through as she straightened up in her seat and gave him her full attention. She had the strangest feeling that someone was discreetly trying to look over their shoulder, but she ignored it as she flashed a bigger smile at Yuzuki's direction.


He shot up from his desk, pumping his fist in the air and did a little dance as she laughed at his antics.

In the corner of her eye, she saw the boy she had been watching so attentively earlier, get out of his seat with a couple of notebooks tucked in his arm and a bag strap hanging smartly over his shoulder.

An arm came around her shoulder, and she looked up to see Yuzuki's radiant face looking down at her.

"Well, little lady, I think we have some planning to do for tonight."

She tried to reflect back his happiness, but she found it hard to when there was another boy in her mind as she looked out past the door longingly, however, she didn't realize the way Yuzuki was observing her carefully and the look that he sent her that would be one of many. But, she was blind. She didn't even realize the battle had already begun, and she was smack dab in the middle of it.

Te Amo ✯Wattys2015✯Where stories live. Discover now