Loyalty problems

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Saulketh (AO3) asked:
What if the Disassembly Drones realized that once all the Worker Drones were destroyed and their oil all gone, they'd eventually overheat and die?

I'll be using an AU of mine named Cursed Ownership.
If you want to read a little about it you can access my Tumblr. There's information about this AU there.

Serial Designation þ, ð and ƿ were on their mission doing what they usually did, killing workers.

þ (Thorn) is a male disassembly with blue hair and yellow eyes. He wears a fancy grey suit. He is running through a colony at mach speeds and killing workers by running into them and exploding them. Laughing as much as he could.

ð (Eth) is a female disassembly with white hair and yellow eyes. She wears a white shirt that goes to her knees. She was in a high place on the colony, shooting workers with a sniper. She didn't express any emotions, she was focused on killing.

ƿ (Wynn) is a female disassembly drone with yellow hair and eyes. She wears a leather jacket and sun glasses. She was entering buildings and spinning around shooting her guns, creating what she calls "Bullet star".

In no time all three of them were done with the colony. This was the last one in this planet, so now they had to wait for another ship to come, since they weren't taught how to land with their pods. While they were waiting, they didn't have anything to do and they were starting to get hungry. þ, who was layed in the ground, got up and walked to the pile of corpses and saw that it didn't have much there, it would only last for more 3 days, wich was worrying. He turned to his teammates.

"Hey girls! We only have food for more 3 days, what we'll do now?" Both his teammates got up and walked close to the pile. ð had her hands on her hips while ƿ crossed her arms.

"I think we'll have to eat less if we want a chance to survive" Said ð while turning away and going back to the place she was. ƿ continued looking at the pile, wich made þ curious about her behavior.

"What's the problem ƿ?" ƿ looked at her teammate.

"Don't you think it's strange how the company sent us here in a pod that they didn't teach us how to land and with limited food?" þ's eyes hollowed, he backed away from ƿ.

"What the fuck ƿ. Hear what you say before you actually say it!" The loud talking got ð's attention and she looked to her temamates.

"What's the problem there!?"

"ƿ is insinuating that the company is trying to get rid of us!" ð's eyes hollowed out and she looked at ƿ.

"H-Hey, I didn't say that!" ƿ retorted "I simply said that it's strange that the company sent us in a one way pod with limited food. If they wanted, they could just let us starve here" When she finished saying that a loud bang was heard close to where they were. Something had landed in the planet from space, tha object created shockwaves that sent the pile of bodies flying. The trio was able to keep thmesleves on the ground. When everything ended. They noticed that the object was a JCJenson pod. The pod opened, revealing a figure that didn't resemble a disassembly drone, it spreaded inside the pod to all directions, contorting itself in every move.

"Who are you!? Are you part of the company?! If so I'll nee-" Before ð could finish, a giant wire pierced her chest, killing her and taking her core. ƿ and þ looked at the corpse of their teammate, they were shocked. They looked back at the pod and saw nothing there, but from the sky they could hear the sound of something flying. They looked up and saw the a female figure with 6 wings and from her arms, 3 wires came out. They're eyes hollowed, they knew who it was. It was one of the best disassembly out there, she was know as Angel, or Serial Designation A.

"To question the company, is to go against it" A said. Before any of them could respond, A had alredy flow down and pierced both of their chests, killing them. She took the cores of both of them and consumed them through the wires. A got back to the pod and left the planet, not looking back.

(CLOSED) Murder Drones oneshots... Kinda, also lazy writerWhere stories live. Discover now