Chapter 84-Minnie

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The masculine voice enters my ears, causing all three of us to freeze in our tracks, Thomas and Newt elevate their hands in surrender, features displaying horrified realization as they slowly retreat away from the threat in front of them, as they do, Newt's gaze locks onto mine, I take a step forward, longing to help him, but he dismisses me, shaking his head, flashing him a bewildered expression, I freeze, not understanding the reason behind his refusal, glancing between a crack in the wall beside me, my gaze widens as I realize a WICKED guard is advancing towards them. His weapon drawn accurately on Newt and Thomas "GET DOWN ON THE GROUND!" The man demands, motioning his weapon to the floor briefly, Thomas flickers his gaze towards me, noticing the gun settled on my hip, creasing my brows together, I follow his gaze, only for the expression to collapse as realization settles in, the two boys share a glance, a silent plan developing, I prepare myself, cognizant of what's brewing between the two, sending them both an encouraging nod, remaining concealed just inches beside them, I slowly wrap my fingers around the weapon and unsheathe it from my waistband. Cautiously, I elevate the gun, securing my fingers around the weapon, a definite click entering my ears, connecting with Thomas's gaze, with an encouraging nod from him, I advance forward, gun drawn, prepared for use "I SAID, 'GET DOWN ON THE GROUND'! NOW!" The man commands them once more "I don't think so" Thomas mumbles, a click from the man's weapon enters my ears, causing my stomach to knot with apprehension "GET YOUR A-", before the man could finish a loud thud enters my ears, along with a furious yell, without hesitation, I manuever around the corner and direct my gun forward. But my breath hitches and my muscles stiffen as I witness a familiar teenage boy toss the WICKED guard through the window of the room beside us, causing thousands of microscopic shards to soar into the air and onto the floor, with wide orbs, I lower my gun to my side, all of us remain frozen as he releases one final scream, breathing heavily through his mouth as he slowly turns towards us, we all remain frozen, not trusting our vision as realization settles in "Minho?", without hesitation, Thomas and Newt rush forward, throwing their arms around him. Exhales of relief are released from the huddle of boys before me, securing their arms around the boy tightly, the boy embraces them back with a matching grip, holding the two of them close to him, suddenly, his attention flickers towards me, I remain unmoving as he untangles himself from the two, hesitantly advancing towards me until he's a few inches in front of me, the hand that grips the gun quakes as tears begin to form in my peripherals "Rose-", I don't allow him to finish, I shove my gun into my back pocket and throw myself onto him. Wrapping my legs around his torso as I cling onto him, crinkling his shirt as I nestle my face into the crook of his neck, releasing faint sobs of unrestrained joy, shocked by my sudden action, the boy remains rigid, not returning my embrace "hey, Minnie", with my words, Minho finally wraps his arms around my slender body, rubbing my back comfortingly as I tighten my grip on him "I told you to never call me that again" he chuckles, I nuzzle myself further into his neck, inhaling his familiar scent "I knew we'd see each other again". His sweet murmur tickles the loose strands of my hair, with a tearful chuckle, I finally release him, causing him to gently settle me onto the ground, drying the streams of tears that torrent down my cheeks with care, Thomas and Newt grip onto Minho's shoulders, restraining their own cheerful tears as we all huddle together, thankful to be together once again "is this real?" Minho questions, flickering his gaze about my features with uncertainty "we found you, Minnie" I whisper towards him, bolstering his cheek with my hand "about time", this causes a chorus of chuckles from us all. Our moment of reunion is brought to an abrupt halt as several more WICKED guards enter the hallway where we stand, their weapons aimed right at us "GET DOWN ON THE GROUND!", instantly, we all sprint down the hallway, turning towards the left, only to enter another stretch of hallway, winding our way around this massive maze of identical corridors, but as we sprint to the right, we all slide to a halt as Janson appears at the end of the hall, with many WICKED guards right behind him, frantically scanning his gaze around for an exit, momentarily lacking a means for an escape. I notice his attention flickers momentarily from the advancing men to the single door alongside us "IN HERE! IN HERE!", without a moment of uncertainty, Thomas rams his body into the door, a flash of surprise lifts my features as the door opens without any restrain, not wasting a moment, Minho, me and Newt all follow right behind Thomas, bullets clank against the threshold of the door seconds after, quickly, Thomas and Newt seal the door, locking it as well, we all retreat from the door, breathing heavily, silently praying for the door to not falter. Unable to remove our gaze from it as loud, yet vain, attempts to enter fill the room "Newt, come on!", Minho surges forward, obtaining a single table, Newt sprints forward as I slowly continue retreating away from the door, watching as they overturn the table to barricade the door, it's continents crashing onto the floor helplessly, Minho and Newt step away from the door, satisfied with their work, but as I take another step, my back impacts something solid and cool behind me, slowly turning myself around, my gaze widens in horror as I yelp out in shock, collapsing onto the floor.

Author's info- Hello, reader! AHHHHHHHHH!! IT FINALLY HAPPENED! MINHO IS BACK, GUYS!! Okay, this has to be my favorite chapter in the entire book! No joke! And the way they reunited! (Inhuman squealing) I LOVE THIS CHAPTER SO MUCH! I love the way Rose and Minho finally find each other again! After all this time! And the cover of the chapter too!!! I also loved how I incorporated the connection between Rose and Minho throughout the entire chapter! Okay, so now the book is gonna be intense and I hope you guys forgive me! I already know what the outcome is and let's just say it's going to be an emotional rollercoaster! Sorry in advance! But I promise it's all to lead up to the surprise that I have for you guys! I hope you loved the chapter as much as I loved writing it! Leave a comment! Vote and share with everyone you know! I love you guys and I want to see this book blow up! Make my dream come true! See you guys next chapter!

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