Chapter One

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Harry's POV

Ohh Junior Year, another year comes with more tests, exams, essays and more stress. I still can't believe that Niall didn't stay in sophmore. But anyway, Niall has been doing the whole 'New Year new me' thing and he has changed everything he does like, he's now doing after-school clubs, and he actually takes effort into what he wears and basically everything.  Well, everything except eating all the time.

I'm currently sitting in my living room eating some toast with jam when I hear a knock on the door. I put my plate on the chestnut brown coffee table and answer the door. As I opened the door I saw a very familiar face. 

"Hey, Harry! Ready?" Niall said putting his phone into his pocket and making eye contact. 

"Almost I just need to get my shoes on and then we can go," I said heading towards the hall closet to grab my shoes. As I finished putting them on, my mom came downstairs with her boyfriend Robin right behind her. They had been dating for about 4 years now so mom suggested he move in. 

"Hello, Niall! You here for Harry?" my mother said in a very welcoming voice

"Yep. We have a test today so we decided to go early and study in the school library." Niall mentioned.

"Alright. Do you want anything to eat?" she said starting to make her coffee.

"No I'm good thanks," Niall says trying not to sound rude

"Are you sure love?" She says her mom senses going off.

"I'm sure thank you," Niall says 

"Alright let's go we still need to study," I say to Niall while picking up my bag tossing it over my shoulder and putting my phone in my pocket.

"Okay Bye, Mrs.Cox bye Mr.Twist," Niall said waving at them.

"Bye Mom, bye Robin," I said after Niall

"Bye loves have a great day! Harry don't forget to tell Louis about the dinner!" She yelled just as we were about to close the door.

"I won't!" I yelled back

"So dinner with Louis huh?" Niall said smirking

"Yes, but it is with all of our families. Not a date" I said blushing at what Niall said

"Okay but why?" Niall said his smirk fading away

"I dunno. I just got told that he was coming over for dinner and his whole family was coming and I didn't question it" I said heading into the school building and shrugging

"Okay if you say so,"  Niall said

We headed to the library with our books and laptops and when we got there we saw the biggest bully in the whole school. He turned around looking away from the computer he was on and saw me. His favourite victim.

"Well well well, if it isn't the fag and his little leprechaun friend?" He said smirking at the end.

"You wanna throw hands Grimshit? Let's throw hands! Come on let's go!" Niall said letting the whole library hear him.

When he said that, the smirk left Nick's face. I was about to call a teacher when I felt a pair of hands grip my shoulders. I turned around and saw Louis. My amazing boyfriend who always saves the day. Nick saw him taking his eyes away from Niall. Niall turned around as well and as soon as he saw him he went next to him and whispered something in his ear.  When Niall was finished, Louis's face said it all. 

"Oh, so that's the way it's gonna be huh Grimshit? You come for Harry I come for you!" Louis said finishing off the sentence by punching him right in the face. 

Nick fell to the floor and when he got back up he and Louis got into a full fistfight. Someone in the library who probably heard everything called a teacher and got them to break up. After that, we all had to go to the office. Once we got to the office we all sat down Louis still staring at Nick mad.

Louis's POV

"So? Does anyone have an explanation for what just happened?" the principal asked.

Niall was about to explain but then Nick interrupted which led to Niall about to yell at him but Harry told him he was not worth it.

"Sir I was just looking for books when Niall and Harry came in. I went up to them to say hi and then they started calling me names!" Nick said acting innocent

"What?! That's bullshit! That never happened! We came to study for our test and then HE came up to us and called me a little leprechaun which was fine but then he called Harry a faggot! I couldn't let it slide. When I was about to punch him in his ugly face, Louis came and I told him what happened. He then punched Grimshit here for me." Niall said finishing his rant

"What?! That never happened! Sir, please believe me!" Nick said pleading. 

The principal put his hand up telling Nick to stop talking which, thank god he did cause his voice was sooo annoying. Harry was just staring down at his lap, fidgeting with his fingers. The principal told us he would get someone from the library to see what they said. Lots of people said most of them said Nick called us names and some said they didn't properly hear what he said. But when he came back he told us that Nick was getting suspended for 3 weeks for verbal and physical bullying. Thank god he got what he deserved.

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