72nd Chapter - Semi

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The Christmas day passed quickly and so in the late afternoon I was just standing in Arwyn's room, slipping into the dark red ball gown that Arwyn had had tailored for me.

"Do you need help?", Arwyn asked me as he came into his bedroom in his suit.

I nodded and so he began to do my hair while we talked about driving school.

We were both immensely proud of Sebastian that he had been able to work on his anxiety so well over the past year that a driving licence was now an option for him. After all, his fear was absolutely understandable to all of us.

"The coming year will be very exciting for all of us," Arwyn said quietly as he put the little tiara in my hair again.

And he was right about that. First Arwyn's exams, then the wedding and eventually driving school. I was looking forward to the new year. As much as I had probably ever looked forward to a new year.

Hand in hand, we walked towards the dining hall as we met the other three.

Garreth and Sebastian in identical suits with different bow ties and braces, while Reza wore an ankle length dress with golden yellow embroidery.

"It suits you very well, little sister." said Arwyn, ruffling Reza's hair, which she accepted with an annoyed snort and a laugh.

"I'm glad no one asked a lot of unnecessary questions. About my clothes and my name," she said quietly.

"Probably because it didn't surprise people that much. You've always been quite feminine. The young lady has just always been in you, apparently, and it just took you some time to find it and show it on the outside." "Yes, actually my coming out felt more like I was stating something quite obvious." "See. It just seems to be you."

We arrived in the dining room, where Rachel had now dimmed the lights and placed candles on the tables.

"STOP!" shouted Gwen, pointing a photo camera at us. She pointed a finger upwards. Arwyn and I were standing under a sprig of mistletoe.

He grinned at me, threw me backwards where I landed safely in his arm, bent down to me and gave me a loving kiss.

After us came Garreth, Sebastian and Reza, who both kissed Reza at the same time for their photo.

It was a really nice little celebration, and due to Trevyn's absence, Arwyn was really relaxed and seemed to enjoy the presence of his relatives.

After the absolutely fantastic meal, Sebastian and Garreth stood up. They both blushed a little, and took each other's hands, which Reza also observed with some irritation.

At the same time they knelt behind Reza, who opened her eyes in shock.

"Sweet Reza, we have another present for you," Garreth said with a smile.

"As everyone knows, it's not possible to have an official wedding in threes, so Garreth and I, with your brother's help, have come up with something," Sebastian said, sounding a little nervous, 

"Arwyn has been reading paragraphs for us and contacting several lawyers and even a notary to research for us how to give you a proper alternative. It is not an option for us to leave either of us out, and even though Garreth had voluntarily offered to let me have the honour of marrying you, I don't want to do it that way. I hope you understand, but it's either the three of us, or none of us."

"So we've been brooding, trying to replace every aspect that an official marriage offers with something as equivalent as possible. Of course, it can't be done completely, but we've done everything possible that British law allows," Garreth said, taking the weeping Reza's hand.

Bound by freckles (Sebastian Sallow x Garreth Weasley x f!MC modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now