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It was the summer of '78, and this year you were going to spend it with your Aunt Mary at camp Nightwing. She was the camp's nurse, so you would just get to sleep in her cabin; which was slightly better then sharing with another kid your age. You didn't have any friends anyway, but how could you? Not with the stuff going on about your family. All the rumours. You heard people talk at school, but you decided to ignore it. No one would listen anyway.

As the buses pulled in, you sighed and pulled yourself and your bags off the bus. You then went to ask for directions, considering everyone else had already been here before.

"Hey, looking for your cabin? Whats your name?" A boy with dirty blonde hair and a yellow cut off asks.

"Uh, no. Just the nurses cabin." You said with a light smile.

"Just over there, to your right. Are you new, by chance?"

"Yeah, I'm Nurse Lane's nephew." Letting out a small sigh, your eyes flicker to the right.

"Oh-" obviously the boy had heard the talk that goes around. "W-well nice to meet you, man. I'll see you tonight?"

"Yeah, sure-?" Y/n didn't know what he was referring to, so he just agreed. Dragging his suitcase behind him, Y/n opened the door and peaked his head in.

"Aunt Mary? You in here?" He continued to look around, until finally finding Nurse Lane reading in her office.

"Aunt m-"

"Oh- god! You almost scared me to death!" Nurse Lane cried, getting out of her seat and slamming the book shut.   "Y/n i am so glad you're here." She embraced the boy.

"Yeah, well- mom forced me to this year so you can thank her for that." Y/n spoke unenthusiastically, hugging her back. After a few moments, they pulled away.

"Now now, you're gonna love it here. And plus, there are lots of lovely young girls you might like." She smirked, waving a finger around.

"Yeah, i'm totally gonna find the love of the my life in the middle of bushes." Y/n chuckled, walking to a room with a bed and started to unpack his bags.


A few hours later, Y/n was sitting on the floor beside his bed reading a newspaper when the bell rung, indicating someone had come in.

"Ziggy! You've grown so much this summer. Unfortunate these are the circumstances of our first interaction." Nurse lane sat her down and got a rag from the cabinet.

"Yeah, well, i dont have anyone else to hang out with so I'm happy to come see you." Ziggy smiled.

"Yeah, about that. Y/n!!"

Y/n got up and left his room, turning the corner to be met with the prettiest blue orbs he's ever seen.

"Y- uh- yeah? Yes?"

"This is Ziggy." Nurse Lane smirked.

"Hey, Ziggy."

"Hey." She spoke, even thought it was hard to form words. Ziggy had never really been interested in anyone, but for some reason you intrigued her.

"Could you get me that gauze and tape on the counter?"

"Of course."

"Thank you dear." Y/n walked over as Lane continued talking.

"Now, how did this happen?" She shook her head in disappointment.

"Well, after I unpacked all my sh- stuff, i wanted to go for a swim but i slipped on the rocks and cut my knees." Ziggy explained, wincing as the older lady disinfected her wounds.

"I saw that earlier. The algae looked terrible." Y/n spoke up shyly, placing the tape and gauze on the little table beside the two girls.

"It is! Thank you!" Ziggy smiled, happy someone finally agreed with something she said. Nurse Lane quietly smirked to herself at the exchange.

"Oh yeah, Aunt Mary, is there something happening tonight? Some guy told me he'd see me." Y/n inquired, sitting down next to Lane and diagonal to Ziggy.

"Yes, the welcoming campfire is tonight. Theres one every night but this one is special because its the first day back. Usually, you go with someone." She winked at him for that end part.

"Oh, cool. Who are you going with, Ziggy?" Y/n asked innocently.

"Oh- no one. And not like its a secret but like no one as in just myself." She shrugged, watching as the gauze was being applied.

"Well- I mean- would you wanna go with me? If no one else asks before tonight? Maybe?" Y/n had his fingers crossed at his waist, pleading not to embarrass himself.

"Yeah, I'd like that." Ziggy smiled, looking up at him.

"G-great- perfect, actually-" before he could say anything else, there was a voice that could be heard through a megaphone, calling all the campers.

"I should go. Thanks, Nurse Lane."

"Anytime, sweetheart." She smiled before walking back to her office.

"So, I'll see you tonight?"

"Wouldn't miss it." Y/n smiled and Ziggy returned it before walking out.

"I told you you'd find someone." Y/n heard a voice from the other room.

"Yeah, yeah."

(Hi! This is probably the most active ive been with updates so im on a roll atm.

Didnt reread. Part 2??)

Ziggy Berman x M!reader oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now