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“Hana! Hana!” Taehyung called, rushing into the hospital reception with Jungkook behind him. Hana and Taemin were sobbing on one of the benches. Taehyung rushed to them as soon as he saw them.

“What happened Hana?” Taehyung questioned, Jungkook had his head lowered, unable to lift the guilt he was feeling.

Taehyung himself could not believe how much he started to care about a slave, maybe because he knew, how much Jungkook really liked him, despite his refusal to admit it.

“Well..” Hana sniffed.

“I found him unconscious on Jungkook’s bed. I tried everything to revive him, but he didn’t budge. We had to rush him here, I’m scared he’s..” Hana paused and sobbed.

“No, nothing will happen to Jimin. He’s stronger than he looks” Taehyung assured, giving Hana a pat on the shoulder.

“What’s happening now?” He asked.

“The doctor is in there with him. They told us to wait” Hana answered.

Taehyung nodded and turned to look at Jungkook was still hadn’t said anything yet. He nodded at him and they went to sit on one of the benches.

Jungkook was surprised when Taemin flashed a deadly glare at him, showing how angry he was over what he did.

Minutes later, the petite doctor came out to meet them, with her stethoscope in her hand. Her hair was a mess and she looked disorganized. She looked like she hadn’t gotten any rest for days.

“Doctor, how is he?” Taemin was first to speak, rushing to the doctor with tears in his eyes.

“He’s fine now. It’s nothing to worry about” the doctor answered, rubbing her forehead.

“Oh thank goodness” Hana breathed out and sighed.

“Great, can we see him?” Taehyung asked.

“Sure but before that, if I may ask, what did that poor boy do to deserve all the harassment on him? He’s bruised everywhere, and is obviously a victim of rape!” The doctor glared at them, infuriated over how Jimin has been treated.

Hana, Taemin and Taehyung diverted their gazes to Jungkook who groaned.

“Mind your business will you?” He said to the doctor. The doctor gasped when she recognized Jungkook, she bit her lip and scratched her head.

“I’m sorry sir” she said, she wouldn’t want to get into trouble with one of the most powerful men in the country, if not the most powerful.

“Follow me, I’ll show you his ward” she said, walking ahead and they all followed her into the large hallway. Jimin’s ward was the room at the extreme.

“Jimin” Taemin called, rushing over to Jimin’s side.

“How are you feeling now? I thought I lost you!” Taemin cried, giving his best friend a hug.

“I’m fine, doctor said so” Jimin said, giving him a weak smile. His eyes scanned the room and his gaze rested on Jungkook’s figure. He fumed with hatred just by seeing him.

What was he even doing there?

Why did he come to the hospital when he wanted him dead?

He threw his face away and turned to Hana.

“You haven’t eaten anything. I brought some food from home” Hana smiled, placing a lunch flask on the drawer. He opened it and the delicious aroma of the soup filled the room. He spoon fed Jimin by herself while Taemin filled him in with a lot of gossip.

THE LIGHT IN HIS DARKNESS (JIKOOK) 18+Where stories live. Discover now