Second Sighting

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Moonlit Meetings:

Chapter 2:

"I knew we were going to have to watch out for him, I didn't know that he was going to be that sharp," Mey-Rin complained that evening at Ciel's flat.

Tanaka poured out a cup of tea for his master who was very stressed after an exhausting day and was half asleep in an armchair.

"To be frank young master, this cannot go on for much longer. Either we find those responsible soon or we stop and find a different method. Alternatively, we could bribe or blackmail Michaelis."

Ciel sat up to sip his tea and thought back to earlier. He had managed to laugh off Sebastian's comment and had told him to never make comments like that to a superior officer ever again, however a seed of suspicion may have remained in Sebastian's mind.

"Blackmail would work better than bribery. Tanaka, can you find everything you can about him? It's an unusual name so it should not be that hard," he ordered. "When is Aunt Ann due back in England?"

His aunt was his guardian who had adopted him following his parents' death and she had changed his surname to hers so he would not be recognised at school as the son of the victims of a well publicised murder case. His name change from Ciel Phantomhive to Ciel Durless was currently useful as it meant his parents' persecutors would be unaware of his involvement with the Police and the phantom thief.

The heists were simply a ruse to search the houses of the suspects. The suspects were acquaintances of his parents that he, Tanaka and his aunt were able to remember. So far some of the suspects had been found to be carrying out illegal activities such as fencing stolen paintings or drug dealing, but none had murdered anyone or had a strong enough motive to murder his parents.

"If we don't get any hints at the next heist, I will consider quitting, not as a Police officer though," he relented. "I want to keep my position in the Police. For now we need to plan the next one."

Tanaka retrieved the list of suspects and a map from its hiding place in a cushion. For safety all evidence that the trio were involved was concealed in their own homes in case of a search.

Ciel took the notebook and ticked off their most recent suspect.

"I really though Baron Kelvin was the person we were looking for," Mey-Rin complained. "He had photos of you and your family everywhere."

"His interests did not lie in murder," Tanaka said plainly. "He was an odious and disgusting man. When we are finished with everything, we should release all the evidence we found on him about his hobbies."

Ciel nodded in agreement. Over the course of six months they had discovered a lot of things that they had to keep quiet as it would ruin the plan.

He ran through the list of the names with focused eyes. If he only had one heist left he was going to have to choose carefully. Ciel was sure that he had seen his parents' murderer on their way out of the house, but no matter how hard he tried to remember he could never recall what their face looked like which was understandable as he had only been 10 when it had happened.

Randomly he pointed at a name and attempted to remember who they were. The name Arthur Wordsmith did sound familiar, although he couldn't remember ever meeting him.

"Tanaka, can you remember an Arthur Wordsmith?" he enquired.

The butler brought his laptop over.

"You should know who he is, he is a moderately well known author," he explained. "The master and mistress were fans and invited him over for dinner once- you were too young to stay up late so you never met him. He was very shy and meek."

Moonlit Meetings (Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler) (Sebastian x Ciel)Where stories live. Discover now