CH.15: part of a Robot Band

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The mysterious men took Rodney into his Mansion where he gave him a blanket and some warm tea after that Rodney send these words to The Mysterious men

Rodney: thank you for helping me mister ( not knowing what the stranger's name is ) uhhh...

Realizing that he didn't know what his name was the men decided to introduce himself

???: J call me neon j

Rodney: why thank you Mr Neon

Neon j: you're welcome, by the way you dropped this

Neon said as he hands Rodney his temperature gauge

Rodney: my temperature gauge.

Neon j: I know Bennett is pretty famous but he lives his stuff very quickly

Rodney: thank you again

The two are interrupt by a sudden door knocked at the door Neon j went to see who it was and was shocked to see Bennett at the door Bennett was demanding to be let in so he can search for Rodney, upon hearing what's going on Rodney started to panic

Rodney: ( in a panic attack ) oh no he's here for me what am I going to do?!!

Neon j: calm down Rodney I think I got an idea

He then went to the back and grab some parts

Rodney: what are these?

Neon j: those are upgrades they will help you to face Bennett

Rodney: no no no no no I can't use upgrades

Neon j: but if you don't Bennett is going to arrest you

Rodney: how do I know that I will still be me?

Neon j: you're just going to have to trust me

Rodney thought for a moment and then finally he gave Neon j permission to give him the upgrades

A few minutes later Neon j was finally done upgrading Rodney aunt gave him a mirror to stare at his reflection

Neon j: finally I'm done so what do you think?

Rodney was speechless as he stared as his reflection the color of his head was changed to purple and he had purple glowing lights on his cheek he has a purple tie and was wearing a black Sailor suit with white highlights

Rodney: ( in amazement ) wow I like it I guess this upgrade isn't so bad after all

After that he tried standing up however because Neon j ripped off his legs and replace them with new ones to make him appear taller he struggled to walk on them

Rodney: so what's the plan now?

Neon j: just act like you're part of my band

After that he went to answer the door and saw Bennett with two police officers

Neon j: hey Bennett how are you?

Bennett: I don't have time for this search the place

Bennett demanded as the police officers started walking inside the mansion they searched everywhere

Neon j: what are you doing Bennett?

Bennett: where is he?

Neon j: where's who?

After that the police officer went inside Neon j's Workshop Bennett walked in with them and us they turn on the lights they noticed Rodney in the corner

Bennett: ah ha!!

But because Rodney's appearance looked different Bennett's couldn't recognize him before Neon j walked in once he did Bennett demanded questions

Bennett: who is he?

Neon j: oh him? he's a new member of my band

Bennett: oh really? ( looks at Rodney suspiciously ) why does his appearance resemble someone I know from a long time ago?

Neon j: oh come on it's just a coincidence it's not like it's the same person sure he looks like him but he's a different person

Bennett gave him a serious stare before letting him go Scott free

Bennett: okay officers everything is clear let's go sorry about my interruption enjoy your stay

And after Bennett in the officers leave Rodney breathes in relief

Rodney: that was a close one

Suddenly they hear the door knock again and Rodney started panicking again as Neon j went again to see who it was suddenly a Voice Was Heard by the other side of the door

???: all right boys. On the count of three we charge 1... 2... 3

As soon as Neon j open the door two robots came in and fell to the ground

The two robots had gray skin and also has color highlights on their cheeks and wears the same sailor outfit the red robot had a mohawk and the yellow one had a tall pointy hairstyle and bangs covering his right eye

Yellow robot: ow my head

Red robot: ugh my back

Suddenly two more robots walked in the room who also had gray skin and color highlights on their cheek and where's the same sailor outfit the white robot had short wavy hair and the green robot has curly hair and has a large hoop on his head

Green robot: ( holds his hand ) my hand!!!

White robot: your hand?

As the robots were looking at each other Rodney lost his balance and is about to fall out the window

Rodney: my hand!!!

Thankfully Neon j caught him on time as one more robot walked in the room the blue robot had the same appearance as the other four robots and had straight hair and an undercut and where is round black glasses

Blue robot: see? I told you to that Captain would open the doo

Red robot: ( sight ) I know that we are a pretty close family but we don't need to be this freaking close so will you get off me already!?

Yellow robot: sorry...

And after that Neon j called for the boys attention and wants the robots heard his attention they all said

Robots: sir!!!

Neon j: what are your five doing here?

White robot: sorry sir as soon as we saw Bennett walking in your Workshop we thought that he wanted to hurt you

Neon j: don't worry I already dealt with Bennett

That's when the yellow robot noticed Rodney has he struggled to contain his balance

Yellow robot: Hey sir who is he?

Neon j: oh he he's our newest member Rodon

Rodney: oh yes my name is Rodon nice to meet you

Neon j: how do you see we're done they are known as NSA's boy group 1010

After that one of the robots pull out a disc with their song and started playing

Rodney: ( in amazement ) I think I can get used to this place

Neon j: all right everyone it's time for bed we have a huge performance tomorrow so get some rest

After that the robots went to bed and Rodney was thinking that this would be awesome

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13 ⏰

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