Chapter 7- Team 7 vs the Black Knight

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"Out of my way

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

"Out of my way." He spoke. "Also why are children in the middle of the woods. Lades?" He spoke in an accent slightly different than Macduff's. (To be more specific, the Black Knight has an Irish accent).

"Shut up, our mission is to not let anyone through" yelled Boruto back.

The knight in black stopped for a second and seemed to analyze the team 7, before battle.

"Oi? Macduff sent Heretics to face me." He said to himself out loud.

"Heretics, is that what these knights call us shinobi, I have no idea what it means." Thought Sarada.

The Black Knight laughed to himself, "Heh, heh, Heretics, I've been meaning to challenge you lades, since last time." He spoke.

Team 7 was confused about what he was mouthing about, but nonetheless they had to take him down.

"Shadow clone jitsu!" cried Boruto, as he summoned shadow clones.

"Morons," the Black knight muttered. "I know exactly what you are going to do when you yell your Heresy."

The Black Knight runs right through two shadow clones, they were diversions, however the knight did not care and just ran towards Boruto. The Black knight was running fast, so fast, no one could react to him, but Boruto who was already fighting him.

Boruto, using two shadow clones, boosted off of them with Gale palm, towards the knight, ready to strike. He punched the knight in the Head.

"Augh", a cry let out.

It was Boruto, he punched the knight on the head but to no affect, instead he feels he bruised his hand. Boruto jumped back and threw two kunai. They bounced helplessly off the knight's head.

Guess the armor is not for show.

At that moment, the rest of team 7 joined in on the fray.

Mitsuki launches an arms snake attack, but in an instant, the black knight cuts each one in half with quick precision.

Kawaki takes the moment of opportunity, and attacks with his cybernetic arm to transform into a tree- branch like spikes aimed to pierce the knight.

The Knight immediately uses his shield, rams through the branches, and bashes kawaka into the air.

"So, Heretics are now made of trees?" said the knight, completely taken aback.

In fact, he couldn't hold it in, he dropped his weapons and fell on the ground bursting out laughing.

Kawaki landed and saw the knight on the ground, laughing hysterically.

Sarada unleashes lighting shuriken at the knight, he rolls to his side and dodges them.

"Hah, hah, Wait! Wait, I'm still- "he muttered but still kept on laughing.

The whole Team 7 was just watching completely confused as the Black knight was still laughing.

Kawaki was getting annoyed that the knight was making fun of him for longer than a minute, he used this opportunity to blast him with beam of energy from his arm.

It hits the knight, half of his body covered in the beam. After the beam was done firing, Kawaki was shocked.

The knight had blocked the beam with his shield, not even a dent or a scratch on the shield.

Team 7 was shocked. How could a wooden shield painted black withstand such a powerful attack.

"Everyone let's all attack him at once" yelled Sarada, who was sweating at the durability of the knight's shield.

At that moment, both Sarada and Kawaki used Fireball Jutsu on him. Mitsuki launched lighting snakes. Boruto, with the help of one of his shadow clones, creates a wind-style Rasengan that is shot towards the knight.

The knight is now surrounded by the attacks, it does not matter if he blocked one with his shield, he would get hit by the others. At that moment, the knight turned his head analyzing the attacks before they impacted him.

In an instant, the knight ran towards the wind-style Rasengan. He ducked under it and dodged it. He was running towards Boruto.

Sarada, whom had her Sharingan activated, was the first to realize the knight had escaped their trap. "Boruto!" She cried.

Boruto, who now realized the knight was going towards him at a quick speed, activated shadow clones to hopefully stop the knight. The knight just ran through the clones like they were balloons. Boruto now realized the grave situation realized he only had one attack, they could hopefully damage the knight, his close quarters Rasengan, an attack which was invented by his grandfather, Minato Namikaze. Boruto did not think of anything, but to just hit the knight with it.

"Rasengan!" He cried. The knight was already up in his face, now it was all down to who would hit first. Boruto saw the knight still had his sword raised behind his back, and Boruto had his Rasengan raised in front of him. There was no way the knight would be able to swing his sword in time to hit Boruto, however.

In an instant, the knight used the used his hand from his shield arm and grabbed Boruto's arm and held him high from it. The Rasengan slowly diffused from the palm of Boruto's hand, the knight's grasp was so strong it was like being crushed between two mountains. "How did he know to counter Rasengan?" thought Boruto frightened at the revelation.

The Knight then grasped his own sword by the blade, as he let go with Boruto's arm, he grasped the blade part of the sword with his other hand. BAM!!!

In quick speed, He whacks Boruto in the forehead, launching him through the hair, flying through a couple of trees, each falling immediately from the velocity Boruto was going. Finally, a tree caught him out of their air, but with the impact it tumbled back, sticking up with roots and all. Boruto is knocked unconscious in one strike.

Sarada was shocked and frightened at Boruto's quick defeat. There was no time to waste, the only way to win was to use her strongest attack.

"Mitsuki! Kawaki! Hold him off for a bit!" yelled Sarada, facing a similar situation to the fight with Boro. Thus, she has her Sharingan activated to find an opening.

Kawaki activates his arm into a blade the duel the knight.

They clash swords, but the knight easily cuts through Kawaki's blade. Mitsuki launches snakes to grapple the knight, he slices them away.

Mitsuki just remembered, when against his snakes and Kawaki's branches he cuts them with lethal force, but when he finished off Boruto, he purposefully used the hilt of his sword to knock him out. The Knight is purposefully not trying to kill them.

But before he could ask Why! The Knight launched towards him, obviously going to hit him with the hilt of his sword. Kawaki uses his arm to turn into a large fist to hit the knight away from Mitsuki. The Knight grabs Kawaki's large fist and swings Kawaki like a hammer and smashes him on Mitsuki. BOOM! Kawaki and Mitsuki are at the bottom of a huge crater, taken out of the fight in one flail swoop.

As the knight took them down, he felt vibrations behind him, he looked to block with his shield.

Sarada was there in front of him, using the speed attack taught by her father Sasuke Uchiha.

"Chidori!" She yelled, using the lighting speed attack.

The Chidori is so fast that the knight can only now rely on his shield. She is already so close that it is pointless trying to dodge the attack.

BOOM! Lighting strikes. The Chidori goes through the shield.

Boruto - Boudicans: the enemy after Isshiki's fallOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz