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I woke up to a loud noise then I relized that it was the alrm on harry's cell, he was still sleeping. harry, harry..... I whispered. he woke... morning time to wake up harbear.I said with a smile. he just smiled. ok love. he said with a smirk. he got up and walked out stumbling still half asleep..harbear... go take a shower that might wake you up. I said laughing at his stumble against the door. I am after I get karalyn. he said with a chuckle.


ashley is silly laughing at my stumbling but hey thats another reason that I love her. I walked to niall's room everybody getting ready, karalyn ash is up. I told her. I walked in lou's room and relized that I forgot my clothes so I walked back to my room ashley was still waiting for karalyn, I told karalyn that your up. I said while I kissed her forehead then added. ok going shower see you later. then I grabed my things and walked out, back in lou's room I ask to use the shower, he noded yea then I went and took my shower. I got out got dressed then walked to the kitchen and started helping with breakfast, its about 7:30am and ashley is in my view coming in the door in a long sleve shirt and blue jeans with hair in a hair band.


I went to louis' room, I smell something good, they must be in the kitchen. I told karalyn. I went in the kitchen to see harry helping with the cooking. I went to harry, hey harbear. I said while he wraped his arms around me to give me a warm hug. whats for breakfast? I asked. alright female niall. harry said laughing turned a little pointing then added. what you americans call this? pancakes and bancon. I said. yea pancakes and bancon with your bacon very very crispy just the way you like it. he said. harry.... harry...... I said. what? he said still huging me. um the food is bur........ but before I could finish louis came and well..hazza grrr you love sick boy you let the food burn. louis said mad. well niall was helping too blame him to not just me. harry said. you shouldn't let them two watch the food. zayn said. louis didn't ask them danielle did. liam said. sorry everybody im back. what happened? danielle said. harry.... louis said. harry wasn't watching the food. eleanor said. niall wasn't either. perrie said then added. he was looking towards harry. karalyn was just laughing. well ashley just the way you like your bacon....burnt. harry said laughing. really? zayn said. yea. I said then added,im weird. thank god you like that cause with harry everything will be burnt. louis said. everybody just laughed.


I cant believe them two, they need to keep that lovey dovey stuff to themselves and not in public. yes the others do this but harry and ashley just bugs me. me & karalyn dont even do that actually come to think about it I barely kiss and hug karalyn, thats probably cause karalyn isn't the girl I want...... that dumb harry let the food burn.......I thought.


we ate then left. we got in the van that the boys rented for us here to travel, we went to a store but nothing, hours past we went to another store we, found the perfect outfits mine was a purple dress with silver stuff around the waste I got white sandal wedges. eleanor got a lite pink shirt with matching pink skirt with lite pink heels. karalyn got a black and tan one shoulder dress with tan on the top and black on the bottom with black lace on the shoulder with black heels . perrie got a cute red top thats hard to explain black slacks with black and red heels black with red underneath with red hearts on the back. danielle got a tan shirt with a gathered like waste that goes in like a bow with a peacock feather print skirt with tan dress like wedges. then we went back to the hotel and started get ready the boys were getting ready also it was about 4 in the afternoon by the time we were done eleanor did our hair me,eleanor and karalyn had like big curls, danielle had small like curls and perrie dyed her hair pink lite pink at the top with dark pink at the bottom and made her hair wavey. harry looked upset all day possibility cause I leave wednesday and we havn't really spent anytime together, but oh well we are doing the best we can with the time we have. its monday the day the boys was suppose to be off but instead we are filming the video. us girls knew that we were going to freeze our butts off cause it suppose to be like a spring like video. us girls walked to the lobby to fine the boys with the camera filming time for the surprise video to start.


we practiced all afternoon again, I was kinda down that today was suppose to be our date but the video will be nice. we went back to the hotel and got ready the girls did too, we got done first of course we ran to the lobby and waited when the girls appeared we started recording, we told the girls to act natural like there on a date.

Once upon a concert! (1st fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now