Chapter Sixteen

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Bailey's POV

Kyle leans forward and kisses Jordan. Without hesitation I push him away.

"What do you think you're doing? You have no right to kiss her!"

"Actually I do have a right. She kissed me the other day. Obviously she likes me, and I've moved on from you. You should probably move on also." Every word that comes out of his mouth puts me one step closer to crying.

"You're lying! You haven't moved on!"

"Hey Bailey. For once can you stop being so selfish and realize that not everyone has to like you. I have moved on, your friend obviously cares about me more than she does you. If she didn't she wouldn't have kissed me in the first place."

I couldn't stand to listen to him any longer. I looked Jordan in the eyes, right as the first tear rolled down my face.


I walk into the lunch room. Usually I would sit next to Jordan or Kyle and his buddies. But now they sit together. When I see them it feels like someone took a rusty knife and has stabbed me in the back repeatedly. I turned away from where they were seated and walked out of the door. I found an empty picnic table to sit at outside of the cafeteria.

Thank goodness the football season is over, I don't know if I would be able to handle it. I slapped a smile on my face before heading to my next class.


Once again tonight I can't sleep. I just want to cry. But this time I quietly get my laptop, and pull up Netflix. I find a section called "tearjerker" and watch the first movie there. I do this and by a quarter to 4am I'm a mess. I'm sobbing. Suddenly I feel the urge to text Kyle. Just to let him know I miss him so much. I wouldn't normally do this, and romance movies mess me up, but why not?

To Kyle: Hey bb just wanted to say how much I miss u ;-; I just hope that we can get over u being a jerk and be together again :)

++End of Chapter Sixteen++

Hello friends! So it is officially summer break so hopefully we can get our butts in gear and actually have regular updates? Literally if you go to my profile the first thing on my bio says how I am the Queen of Bad Updating Habits, and I stand by that. (I mean I try to change but it never happens) I try to make nice long chapters but I forget and procrastinate so much that it takes forever and voila you get one of my short, sucky chapters. But I hope that you enjoyed anyhow! Don't forget to vote, share, and comment it would mean a lot!


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