Dungeon Master's handbook.

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When starting a DND Multiverse campaign, you'll need the game materials listed in the Game Materials chapter. If you have any NPCs in mind to encounter/battle your players(Kaiba,Lewis Dodgeson,Giovanni etc. For example) You should use the deck builds,if any,to duel your players. It is also advised for specific Pok'emon trainers that you'd select a team of 6 or less comprised of the Pok'emon they're known to have.

For Dodgeson,his team consists of an Aerodactyl holding a mega stone,and any 5 of the pure forms of the Galar fossil Pok'emon.

Starting the Campaign story:

The first part of the story involves the introduction of the player characters,their class, faction,home area,etc. The objective of part 1 is the unite these characters(Say that they all end up in a different time period via an anomaly,or were all called for and picked up by the government.)

Side quests:

Aside from the main quest,you can have your players go on side missions ( A few ideas for side missions could include investigating a murder, catching a certain Pok'emon for someone,exterminate pests,etc.) These sidequests can have various rewards, depending on what you think would be an appropriate reward,players will also gain XP as a reward,the more difficult the quest,the more XP! You can also do quest for a player character's respective faction. Character's with said faction gain +10 XP and 100 of any currency as a bonus.

Easy=10 XP

Trivial=25 XP

Hard=50 XP

Very hard=75 XP

DeathWish=100 XP

SPECIAL/Skill/Perk checks:

Based on the stats of your players,they may be able to get passed obstacles you put in front of them.

Example: They need to get passed a locked gate,a player with a Strength of 7 can try and kick it open. If a character has a laser weapon and an energy weapons skill of 50,they can shoot the lock,they can do the same with a gun or melee weapon and a skill of 25(gun) or 35(Melee weapon)

Random Encounters:

If you wish,you can have your players encounter a random encounter that could be an obstacle,a bit of amusement,or a blessing!

Some encounters can range from an Anomaly, a herd of brahmin strapped with explosives,a crew of bounty hunters looking for your players,or even a crashed UFO where they can possibly scavenge an alien weapon.


Your players are gonna need meds,ammo,scrap,and some new weaponry,they can aquire loot from various places,amd creatures; meat and herbs can be harvested from animal type enemies and plants,ammo can be bought from various stores,same as guns,etc. It's all in where they're going,or where they're at. There's also legendary/Unique gear that is hard to find,and sometimes require a special quest to gain.


You should already know what bosses are,so there really isn't need for an introduction. When they attack,you roll 3 dice,If they all land on 6,the targeted player gets one shot. Certain NPCs can temporarily join your party and aid in battling the boss(If you're dealing with a Titan,Godzilla, Kong,or Gamera will join the party)

Low tier boss stats: 150 HP,50 Damage resistance

Mid tier boss stats: 300 HP,100 Damage resistance

High tier boss stats: 500 HP,200 Damage Resistance

Note that characters aligned with certain factions can bypass the Damage resistance of certain bosses and even grant damage bonuses.

This will be pretty much it for now,though I will update it.

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