Dictator of the Dark Hemisphere

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To be Sol's equal Luna had to rule the Dark Hemisphere, 'It belongs to me, it's my birthright, it is in my blood' she looked at the region of where her heart would be then dragged an index finger to her veins, 'My popularity is already at 80%, the only people that don't like me think women can't be leaders, or that autism will create incompetence, I'll prove them wrong!' she created a campaign and a way for it to become official, all she had to do was wait for a debate to take place.

Sol was informed of Luna's ambitious goal by Altair his royal advisor "Ms. Lunaris seems to be rallying support, she's even put out a campaign, her only competition is Phoenix A Star who believes that Dark Hemispheran power doesn't belong to women" "She obviously took offense to that, you are free to go" "Okay, my majesty" 'If Luna has access to the Dark Hemipsheran royal army, she will potentially become unstoppable, I must prevent this from happening, or is it inevitable?'

Luna at lunch, the only time she is allowed out of her cell asked an ally who had external connections "What is my percentage at?" "79% it's dropping" "Damn" 'Legally to become a dictator I need to get over the 95% approval threshold, I have only 83.2% of the voters' "Fetch me a streaming device, I will debate him and prove how stupid he is" 30 minutes later she challenged Phoenix by having a back and forth arguing session in her cell.

Sol watched the recording of Luna's debate in his free 30 minutes 'She crushed him, she stated the truth and used emotions while he didn't, I should let nature take it's course and let her take the throne' he looked at Luna's approval rating climb to 90% 'she needs more support, someone to push her over the final milestone, I will endorse her' then promptly Sol made an announcement prasing Luna.

Next morning it was announced that Lunaris's poll numbers were at 96% "My time is now!" She blasted the metal door down and ran out the prison "Next time you see me, I'll be queen of the world!" She flew to Blax-Haut.

When Luna got to the Dark Hemisphere everyone applauded/boomed and kneeled to her, she transformed into a sexy dress then walked to and sat on the throne "Muahahahahi! Dear Dark Hemispherans, this day shall be a victory for us, a united empire, at last!" Her subjects clapped and cheered "Prepare yourself, we will do what we've wanted for so many years... Invade the Light Hemisphere! And have our revenge!" Laughing maniacally again then everyone bowed before her.

Sol felt a great wave of dark pride flow towards him from the Dark Hemisphere "She has done it" 'I have to pass a vote through congress to assemble a military to stop the Dark Hemisphere' he sent out a request to the congress to be approved. Tierra told the equatorist tribes to let the Dark Hemispherans through to stay safe.

Luna asked Tonzantila for additional support "You used to be my superior, now we are equal, so I am asking now as your royalty, combine your bandit mercenaries with my royal soldiers, it will increase our chances of overwhelming our common enemy, the stars" "Eclipse it's a deal, my teaching has proven to be successful, I have one thing to ask of you in return" "What is it?" "Marry me" 'Wha...' "So our financial assets will be one, and we can legally have intercorse" 'Okay, that actually makes sense' "You are aware that I still want to spiritually marry Sol, so this will only be a legal binding" "Yes" "Good, let's get those papers".

Sol was notified by Altair that Luna and Ton-618 were going to get married "Thank you" 'What is she playing at? I know she has no attraction to that man, I guess since that is happening, she won't take offense to Vega and I getting legally married' Sol went to Vega's apartment "Vega Azula, will you marry me so we can be joined together?" "I thought you loved Luna?" "I do, but I learned of a dark truth, she's marrying Tonzantila" "Okay, yes, I do, but you should still spiritually marry her, you two are soulmates, I can admit that" 'Soulmates... That's still our destiny' "Yeah" Sol nodded.

Vega and Sol got married then Tonzantila and Luna got married on the same day to best their rivals, "Ah, now I'm Luna Cynthia Eclipse Tone Lunaris, what a mouthful, but powerful and grand" "It suits someone like you" "Heheh, indeed, now we have the biggest net worth in all of the Celestials" the big bads share an evil laugh then separate. Luna questioned her position 'What am I supposed to do now? I have all of the power I've ever dreamt of, well... not all, still the Light Hemisphere to conquer' Then the evil genius did what she always did create a master scheme to take over the Light Hemisphere.

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