Chapter 13- The Sun

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A Giant Rasengan formed on the palm of William Wallace's hand

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

A Giant Rasengan formed on the palm of William Wallace's hand. It was a spectacle to behold.

"And now, Ninja-art- burning sun!" said Wallace, flicking two of his fingers, creating a spark, the Rasengan caught fire, and was engulfed.

There it was the sun in the palm of the Boudican's hand, the creation of fire style merged with the Rasengan.

Boruto felt like he was staring at impossibility personified, this boy, who is not an Uzumaki, can do the massive Rasengan, and add his own nature to it.

"How do you have the Rasengan, who taught you it?" cried Boruto

"I saw your father use it, it was powerful, so I tried recreating it." said William Wallace. "It took me a while, so many failed attempts, I lost count, however although they were failures in recreating the exact Rasengan ability, some of them ended up being failures that were powerful enough to be abilities in my arsenal."

While Boruto was shocked in disbelief, a Wallace shadow clone kicked him to the ground, and put the tips of his fingers to Boruto's neck. "I win." Said the shadow clone.

At that moment, all of William's shadow clones disappeared into the air, and his Rasengan got smaller until it disappeared into his hand.

"In order to work to become the best, one must learn from the best no matter who they are." Said William.

Boruto got up on his feet. He started trying to catch his breath. "I have my eyes on you, William Wallace, like your master, you yourself are way too suspicious."

"You can be suspicious, if you want?" Said William Wallace. ", but bye for now?" He started walking pass Kawaki and Himawari.

William and Kawaki lock eyes for the last time.

"Huh?" said William. "Your eyes are similar to mine, however only slightly."

Kawaki was confused at the comment, but it makes him more annoyed how weird and mysterious William is being. Yet, Kawaki does not sense any cunning or deceit. If he were an enemy like Code, he would probably make up a story to not draw suspicion, yet he openly draws suspicion. Why!? He seems like the type of person who Code himself would be suspicious of. Someone who admits that he is to be suspected. Then again William Wallace is from the Boudican culture, thus behaves differently compared to him and everyone else who is in the Shinobi culture.

Boruto forbade anyone to talk about what happened that night, although some bystanders asked why there was a sun in the park. Boruto lied and told them it must have been the sun setting. When they got home, they waited a little, then Hinata got back from errands and Naruto finished his Hokage duties for the day.

As they all sat for dinner and ate, the stew was delicious.

"Mmm..." Said Hinata, "Himawari! You weren't lying, this stew is quite a surprise, especially when bread is dipped into it. Where did you get the idea for such a recipe."

"William Wallace taught me." Replied Himawari.

Boruto immediately choked on the stew, then drank water immediately to wash it down. Kawaki closed his eyes at Boruto's embarrassment.

"Idiot." Kawaki thought. "Why else would William be at the house, plus this does not look anything similar to Konoha food."

"That kid seems to know everything." Joked Naruto. "First his vast knowledge of subjects at the academy and now recipe's, I don't know how he does it."

Since Naruto knows William's father, he may know something about William's past. Boruto decided to ask Naruto about William's mother, in hopes of knowing and piecing together any pieces of William Wallace's past.

"Well, just out of curiosity, do you know who William's mother is?" asked Boruto.

"I never met his mother." Said Naruto. "Alan never mentioned her or William at all when I met him. but I know William is Alan's son, because they both share the last name, Wallace, and they look exactly alike, like you and me, Boruto."

"Yeah, yeah, ok, well maybe he didn't mention them because he was busy winning back his kingdom." Said Boruto.

"Yes, that could be true." Said Naruto. Naruto then remembered that Alan had supposedly sent William off to war at 6 years old. What kind of mother would consent to having her child, who is so young, be sent off to war. Naruto remembered that all the Boudican soldiers he met were men, the common foot soldiers were men, and the knights were men. According to them, the woman of Boudica's job is to stay home and take care of the household and kids. Bet they would laugh if they met female Shinobi.

Dinner was nice that night, for it added something new to the Uzamaki household. Something knew to think about, that there are other worlds besides the world of the Shinobi. This is their first literal taste of Boudican culture.

As Naruto was laying on the couch after watching TV for a little bit. Thinking about the Boudica, he wondered: Since William Wallace looks like his father, did he get his introverted and scholarly personality from his mother? He may never know, but it is nice to wonder about all the possibilities. One thing is for sure, hopefully William has a good relationship with his mother.

Boruto snuck down stares. After facing William Wallace, he did not want to admit it, but he was weaker then him. If his father, Naruto, took down Boudicans, then maybe Boruto could learn to take down William Wallace.

"Hey Dad?" said Boruto

"Boruto, what is it, and why are you up so late.?" Asked Naruto.

Boruto crossed his arms and looked down at his feet.

"Boruto, what's wrong?" said Naruto, in a worried voice.

Boruto's face looked to the side, there was somewhat of an embarrassed look.

"Dad?" Said Boruto

"Yes?" replied Naruto.

"I was wondering if during tomorrow, once you are done with work?" said Boruto, trying his best to get the words out. "Do you think you could train me, especially teach me how to make more shadow clones, that Boudican knight defeated me, and I must get stronger." No matter what he will not mention that William defeated him.

There was immediate silence after that.

Boruto sweated a little, then Naruto put his hand on his head, and smiled.

"Sure, kiddo, all you needed to do was ask." Said Naruto in appreciative way. "According to Shikamaru, there isn't a lot of paperwork to fill out tomorrow."

Naruto looked forward to tomorrow, because instead of tomorrow just being filling out boring paperwork, it will be training is son, and passing down his skills to him.

The times that sensei like Jiraiya and Kakashi trained Naruto, now it is time for Naruto's turn to be the sensei and train his son Boruto.

It is an interesting feeling for Naruto, because in his prime years, he was student, but now it is time for him to be master.

Boruto - Boudicans: the enemy after Isshiki's fallحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن