Jealousy part 1

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I've decided to start splitting scenarios into two parts, mostly splitting the villains since there's a lot more now and it gets tiring so, i'll do half the villains in one part and then the other half in the next part in every scenario/preference from now on

Queen of Hearts/Red Queen

The Queen hummed as she entered Envy's room to get her when she heard her daughter crying. "No need to get upset my dear, Your Mummy is-!" The queen stopped short when she saw her husband holding and cradeling a now happy Envy instead.

"No worries, I got her" The king said humming as he patted Envy's back in comfort as the baby cooed happily up at her father, gripping his robe.

The Queen stared, not in admiration or happiness, but in utter confusion and slight anger. She didn't like this, she usually got Envy whenever Envy was upset or needed cuddling, the fact that Envy seemed to enjoy someone else's hold bugged her.

"Well, I suppose i'll take it from here" The queen reached for Envy but the baby princess let out a whine and curled into her father's hold more, that didn't help the queen's mood as her face turned red and her eye twitched slightly. "Still not a problem! I'll just check on my other queenly duties!" She said through her teeth before quickly leaving.

All day, the queen stewed and fumed, annoyed that Envy had wanted her father over her mother. Eventually, The king tried to console his wife by trying to give her Envy who seemed to want her mother now. "why come to me? You obviously have a favorite now" The queen refused.

"Dear, Envy's growing and will need more people on her love map, it's natural for babies to want other people instead of just their mother" The king tried to explain.

"how could it happen so quickly though? she's not even a year old yet and already prefers you, she simply doesn't love me anymore now" The queen sighed.

The king shook his head slightly before putting Envy in his wife's lap, the baby princess cooed happily up at her mother. It took a moment before the queen let down her guard and happily hugged Envy.


"Xavier! Mummy is home! I got you the most amazing outfits! You won't believe it! One of them is made from baby penguins!" Cruella announced as she walked across her house after coming inside and heading up the stairs to Xavier's nursery.

She walked in and saw Xavier playing with Jasper on the floor. "I can take it from here, Jasper, thank you" Cruella dismissed the lanky man who stood up and stretched before beginning to leave.

A whimper came from Xavier as he didn't want his friend to leave yet while his mother hung up the outfits in Xavier's closet which was bigger than necessary for a baby. Jasper turned and saw Xavier looking upset, "Don't worry, Lad, i'll be back later" he said picking up the infant, he was a bit closer to Xavier than Horace.

"Yes, later, now, come see what Mummy got you" Cruella reached for Xavier to hold him but the baby boy grunted and clung onto Jasper instead, taking back Cruella a bit.

Cruella didn't expect this, she and her son had a pretty good bond and she thought they were inseparable. Jasper meanwhile felt like he just got in the way of a mother and her cub, it felt the same since he was quite sure that Cruella would cross certain laws with enough motive if she was angry enough, the woman had a different mental state than most people. "Come on then, go to your mother" Jasper tried to hand off Xavier to his mother. Xavier began to cry a bit and chose to grip Jasper's curly hair. "ow! Alright, alright!" Jasper winched and held Xavier again before looking at Cruella. "Um, Ma'am, if it's all the same to you, could we have a little more of play time?" He asked carefully.

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