Chapter 23. The Stag

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"Oh no," Mother said, looking at the screen horrified as the hologram of Arabella smiled at Leo. Oh no indeed. Soarynn had been doing a good job of covering her tracks when it came to Arabella's death, but Leo was going to figure it out quickly enough. Leo ran towards her, "Bella!" he cried, "We missed you."

Soarynn didn't move, she was probably still in shock from seeing me, coming across Arabella probably wasn't doing her any good, or easing her guilt. Arabella kneeled down, opening her arms for Leo to run into. He ran right through her. Confused, he turned around and looked at her. Slowly, he walked towards her and pushed his hand through her body, watching the hologram flicker around his hand. "Where is my sister?" He asked, looking at Soarynn. She had tears in her eyes, "Leo," she said, stepping towards him, he backed up, "No, no, you stay away from me," he said, his voice trembling.

"Leo please," Soarynn pleaded, tears running down her face again, "I promised her I would take care of you," she said. "But you didn't promise to lie!" He said the rain was now pouring down on them, thunder shaking the arena. "I know," she said, "but Leo, please, let me protect you," she begged. Leo shook his head, tears now falling from his eyes, "I didn't even get to say goodbye," he said, voice breaking. "YOU DIDN'T EVEN LET ME SAY GOODBYE," he screamed at her, Soarynn looked around the woods, nervous someone might hear them.

"Leo, please, calm down, we can talk about this somewhere safer," she said, reaching out to touch him, he slapped her hand away. "No, you, you stay away from me, I don't need you anymore," he said, turning around. "Where are you going?" She called, watching him walk into the woods, away from the hologram of his dead sister. "Wherever you aren't," he said, not even looking behind him. Arabella's hologram disappeared, leaving Soarynn by herself in the woods.

I looked at Mother, who was shocker, at the beverage cart. I stood up and hastily walked over to her, "We need to send her another gift," I said. She nodded while watching Soarynn sit on the wet ground, head in her hands. "We'll send her some food," she decided since Leo's pack was currently holding all their food and the sleeping bag. I knew Soarynn didn't care about any of that, she just cared about Leo.

Mother went outside to go talk to some sponsors, while I helped myself to a glass of champagne, watching as Soarynn sat motionless in the pouring rain. Eudora walked over to me, "She's going to get sick," she said to me. I nodded, I was surprised she hadn't gotten pneumonia or hypothermia, maybe she did and we just didn't know yet. The Game Makers could see the Tribute's vitals, but that was it. "She'll get moving eventually," I promised Eudora, who didn't look convinced. Maybe this is a good thing, I thought, sure, it was a sad thing to watch. But now Soarynn wasn't trying to feed two mouths anymore.

The Careers didn't experience any holograms, they probably didn't have much love for anyone to be affected by the holograms the way Soarynn and Leo had. They were walking through the woods, still looking for Zeren. I had to give it to them, they were committed. Lucky Flickerman appeared on the screen, sporting a baby blue suit today, and was excitedly telling us that the Careers were getting close to Zeren and that there was gonna be a fight any minute now. At least someone was enjoying the Games.

I thought Zeren would be enjoying his food, and laying up in a tree somewhere, but he was prepared. Maybe he figured out that the Careers had narrowed it down to him being the one who burned down their tent and decided to take some precautionary measures. He was standing on a large boulder, holding onto an ax in one hand, and his blow dart in the other. I hope he shoots Beckett. The Careers finally made it to the boulder, where they could see Zeren standing tall at the top. Before Beckett could get a word out, Cleo yelled at Zeren, "Did you burn down our tent?" She called out. Zeren nodded, very pleased with himself. Cleo gave him a nod of approval, "I would've done the same thing if I was in your position," she said to him, causing Beckett to look at her, appalled. "What?" She asked, "It was a smart move, unfortunate on our part, but still, smart." Cleo was definitely the crazy one in this arena.

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