Chapter 25- Family Issues

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Many hours later, it was night

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Many hours later, it was night.

William woke up and saw everything was dark. He gave time for his eyes to adjust to the dark.

ZZZZZ. He heard someone was asleep.

He looked and saw Sakura asleep on her desk, next to his bed. Wallace had to think quickly.

He analyzed his surroundings for traps, none there.

He saw his own body, his scars had been healed, he no longer felt the pain. What sorcery is this?

Wallace begins to think firmly. Why would this woman, Sakura, who his sister to his mother, heal him. She must have something to gain from this, but what? There are no guards to restrain him or stop him from leaving. He tries looking around, and he can't find Sasuke spying on him. This is peculiar.

Wallace is confused, out of nowhere he was healed, and did not even ask for it.

William Wallace does not understand Sakura, or why she healed his wounds. One thing is for sure, he did break that window.

"Shadow clone jutsu." He whispered.

His shadow clone went home, gathered one and half the amount of money needed for the healing done for his scars and as well as the window he broke.

He also got a note and pen, last second.

The next morning, Sakura woke up and looked at William's bed. He is not there. She immediately raised her head and looked around. William is gone.

She then noticed a large stack of money with a note on it.

The Note says, "This money is payment for my treatment and the window I broke." The note also had a stamp on it. The stamp had the depiction of a hand drawing a bow and arrow, along with the words: "William Wallace, son of Alan Wallace."

After reading the letter, Sakura was confused, but nonetheless she had a sad expression on her face. She clutched the note close. She worries about the wellbeing of her nephew.

Meanwhile at the academy, Iruka came to the shinobi academy early, for he was the principal. William Wallace was there on the doorsteps, reading a textbook that the academy has not planned to teach till next week.

"William?" he said.

William looked up. "Principle?" William replied.

"I was told you would be absent?" Iruka said. "I heard from the Medical clinic, you got hurt, and may not attend."

"Pain is not an excuse to skip out on your daily duties." He replied with fiery determination in his eyes. This was odd, for William never showed emotion, but now his look was cold and determined.

After seeing this, Iruka had felt the need to not pressure any further.

When school started that day, the teachers were surprised to see William at school. That day William was so concentrated, got perfect scores as usual. If extra credit was involved, he would get it too. Everything that day was the same, except Wallace's expression.

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