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-the scene shows in with a old rusted shack in a desert-
-a old style song is heard on a radio in the distance-
-the scene changes to the old copper/iron door on the shack as it opens a green and black maned pony stepped out pushing a dark colored mare-
"Lotus calm yourself" -a scratchy voice says-
"No Dylan she's a changeling and must die!"
Dylan: "Lotus you are not permitted to do this"
-the changeling tries to run and Lotus steps on her leg and a loud crack can be heard with a high pitched yell-
Lotus: "Do I fucking care what I was ordered Dylan!?"
-Dylan steps back, being a superior but quite scared of Lotus anyway-
-Lotus bends down to the changelings ear and whispers "run"-
-she stand and limps fast as possible as Lotus pull out a old rifle loading it-
Lotus: "goodbye bitch"
-the trigger is fired and the changeling falls down about 100 yards from the shack-
Dylan:"You didnt have to kill her...she was innocent.."
Lotus:"No changeling is innocent Dylan, you'll learn this one day."


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