💖Chapter 28: Silence before Storm💖

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👆 Above song is for Rudranil and Pamela's romantic moments.


After a lot of love making session with my husband 🙈🙈🙈, Finally I managed to came out of the washroom then directly went to the wordrobe in search of a new clothes because the previous clothes which I wore are 🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈(Pamela' reaction) not in a condition to tell anything.

So I opened the wardrobe and started searching the clothes.

After 10 minutes

I found the clothes of my choice and started wearing as its a purple printed saree with half sleeves backless blouse. When I am about to tie the hook of my blouse, I am unable to do as I cannot see also the hooks are not connecting with another properly.

I tried for sometime to tie it properly but I am unable to do so as the hook is not reaching properly. Now what I can do? Whom should I call? I am thinking all these.

Suddenly I felt that someone is touching my back and the hook of my blouse is tied properly. I just looked at him from the mirror and he smirked then He turned me toward him infront of the mirror and hold me by my waist as I gasped looking at him.

He is looking at me like he is lost somewhere.

You are looking very beautiful in this outfit. I am feeling like I can kiss you forever. He said

I said nothing but started blushing.
By the way he is also looking very handsome and I can't tell him now because the consequences will not be good🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈. I was feeling so shy that I can't look at him as he cupped my both cheeks but I hugged him tightly just to avoid the smooch🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈.

You know Pamela, you have no idea that how much I love you. He said

But I am feeling very scared. I said
Scared? Why? There is nothing to get scared. I am always with you. He said

What if something Tithi di try to do? I asked him.

We can also fight with her. No matter how tough the problem is. We will be together forever. He said

I am just listening to what he is saying.

Promise me, that you won't leave me, what's the problem is? He asked me

Tears started coming from my eyes.

Why are you crying? He asked me.
I can't see you cry. He said while trying to wipe out my tears.

I don't even think of leaving you but I can't take it if something happened to you. I said and hugged him tightly.

After hugging for sometime, He kissed on my forehead and said to divert me to other topics.

Pamela, I want your lips very badly. He said and was about to touch my lips but I moved away from him feeling shy and was about to go out of the room.

We will continue tonight. He said and went away from there.

I started blushing thinking about what he did just a minute ago.


We all are in the dining room chatting and gossiping with each other as I get know about Rudra and Dadabhai's mischief and fight when they are small and also they have shared the memorable days in their school and college.

Suddenly Rohan (Rudra's younger brother) asked me.

Boudibhai(sister-in-law), do you have boyfriend while you are in school and college.

He didn't mean to insult me in that way. I know that he is making fun of me.

At first I felt little bit awkward to what he said because my husband is looking at me very seriously but I managed it.

No, I don't have any boyfriend in those days because at that time, I don't believe in all this and I think its a waste of time till we are mature also I was very much focused on my studies so I didn't even think of doing that. I said giving a little bit of smile.

He nodded positively.
In this way, we are talking, laughing and gossiping. Suddenly Tithi di came and tried to join us.

What you all are doing? She asked us.
We are having a chat, gossip time. Do you want to join us? Dadabhai asked her.
Yeah, why not? She said and took her seat beside her husband.

Everyone is looking at each other thinking that she will create a scene. And it happens whatever we thought.

Suddenly she asked me while looking at my hand as I am wearing a diamond bracelet gifted by my mother.

Pamela what's that in your hand? She asked me.

I just looked at the bracelet which I wear in my hand and said "Its a bracelet gifted by my mother at my wedding". I said

Can you please show me that? She asked me.

I extended my hand and she sees it.

Its too expensive right? She asked me.

I nodded positively and said "yeah it is".

I wish, I could have also wear that bracelet. She said

Everyone is shocked because did they know that she is having some evil plan in her mind.

Why are you bothered about Pamela's bracelet? Is it your some kind of new plan ? Rudra said

Rudra you always think bad of me. I just asked her because it's beautiful. She said

You cannot do or cannot ask anything without any reason as everyone in this house knows about it. He said


Another update.......
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What do you think about Tithi?
Is she making a new trap for Pamela and Rudranil?
Is this silence before Storm?
Let's see.

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