Chapter Twelve: Exposure

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U-Yung Household, Jay's Room

  Jay's eyes opened to the bright light of the sun piercing his room, his heart was slowing down as he calmed himself from what he had just dreamt of. >That same memory...< Jay thought to himself, clutching his hair in his right hand, things became much more different when his mother passed. >I... need to check on Sia...< Jay thought as he got off his bed, standing, reaching for his door. He opened it, walking through the house, walking to Sia's room, he knocked on it a couple times, waiting for an answer. He wanted to make sure Sia was okay, afterall, he was her 'last' guardian in her life, their father wasn't present a lot of times so he took care of her the most after their mothers passing.

  Jay could hear someone on the other side, bedsheets and blankets moving, "Just... a few more minutes..." Sia's voice could be heard from the other side, her voice sleepy and tired, "C'mon Sia, time to get up." Jay said in a gentle voice, opening the door, seeing Sia still in her bed. She groaned in response, not wanting to get up from her comfy bed, Jay softly smiled seeing Sia doing okay. Jay picked up Sia, putting her on his back, taking her outside of her room, "Hey... what are you doing..." Sia said in a sleepy tired, her eyes slightly opened, "Taking you to school." Jay jokingly said, walking towards the door to their house, making it more believable. "Hey! Wait!" Sia said, trying to get off of Jay's back, she flailed a bit to get off but to no avail. Jay put her down onto the wood floor of their home, Sia's height being just up to Jay's chest height. "I need to be ready first!" Sia said, still in her pajamas, she ran towards the bathroom to do her morning routine, the pitter patter of her bare feet making contact with the hardwood floor being heard. Jay chuckled seeing Sia run to the bathroom, >Still the same on the outside..< Jay thought to himself, setting himself into the kitchen to prepare his and Sia's breakfast.


Ryo's Apartment, Rośe's Room

  Rośe was sleeping on her desk, notebooks and papers spread across her desk. She studied overnight on things she had learned in her classes. Waking up from her awkward sleep, rubbing her eyes as she woke up, >Oh.. I did it again..< Rośe thought as she noticed how messy her desk was from the amount of papers that had spread on her desk. She took each paper and put them back into the folders in her binder, cleaning up and organizing so things would be much easier for her. "Okay... that should be good-" Rośe said to herself, cutting her own words off as she turned to see Kokori on her bed, still asleep.

  "Oh." >Right.< Rośe said as she slowly walked to her own bed, gently nudging on Kokori, slowly but surely waking her up. "What..." Kokori said sleepily in an aggravated tone, "C'mon Kokori, wake up." Rośe said in a gentle tone of voice, like a mother to her child in the early morning. Kokori shifted in Rośe's bed, her hands soon reaching her eyelids, rubbing them, her pink eyes peeking through a gap she made in between her fingers, looking at Rośe. "I'm up." Kokori said, getting up, sitting upright, "That's good." Rośe said with a soft smile on her face. There was silence between the two as Kokori was still adjusting on waking up her body, still sitting on Rośe's bed, while Rośe herself stood there, her dark almond brown eyes showing that she was thinking of something in her head.

  "What are you thinking in that head of yours?" Kokori asked, noticing how silent Rośe was, she looked like she was staring directly into Kokori's soul. "Hm? Oh, it's nothing!" Rośe responded, snapping back to reality. "Alright, if you say so.." Kokori said, getting up from Rośe's bed. >Weirdo...< Kokori thought to herself as she passed by Rośe, opening Rośe's room door and exiting it. >.... Where the hell are you?< Rośe thought to herself, thinking back to a certain person that was formerly present in her life.

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