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It was 1880 and Kol was looking through Niklaus's stuff generally being nosy. He knew Nik would kill him for this if he ever found out but that didn't stop him. He stumbled upon a letter written from one of Nik's spies on Katerina to him. It was dated 1500.


Katerina has given birth to a son named Casey. She has not slept with anyone but you therefore I believe that he is your son.

Kol stared in absolute shock. Niklaus Mikaelson had a son. He then read the letter back that Klaus had kept for some reason. It basically caused the boy a bastard and that he didn't want the son of a traitor. Kol knew Niklaus could be cruel but to treat his own son the way that he was treated. Like he wasn't there at all makes it a thousand times worse.

Kol shoved the papers back where he found them and ran out of the house after packing a few things. He would not allow his nephew to become an afterthought like he was in this family. He would not allow him to become a black sheep in which he thought no one wanted him.

He spent a decade searching before finding him in the city of Nashville. He walked into a bar and sat down lost in thought wondering how in the world he was going to find Casey when someone brought him out of his thoughts "can I get you anything, sir?"

Kol looked up to see a handsome man about six feet with black hair and dark eyes. He could see Katerina in him but not so much his brother which he supposed was a good thing for Casey. Kol swallowed "Casey Mikaelson Pierce?"

Instantly, Casey tensed and clenched his fist "who's asking?"

"Someone who just discovered you existed." Casey looked at him confused. "My name is Kol Mikaelson."

Casey's eyes widened as he looked next to Kol and asked "is this true?" Nobody responded and Kol looked to his nephew confused before Casey nodded "let me guess my deadbeat father wants something from me."

"No," Kol rushed to reassure his nephew. "He doesn't know I'm here or that I even know about you. I just don't want you to feel abandoned or like a black sheep. I've felt like it most of my life and I refuse to let you feel it."

Casey was still guarded but Kol could tell that he was intrigued and thinking about it. "So what do you want?"

"I want to give you this," Kol spoke and pulled out the amulet he had enchanted five years ago. It was a Celtic knot. "It'll allow you to speak with me anytime you want." Casey took it and placed it around his neck

Years later in 1905, Casey was sitting on his bed in Philadelphia when he suddenly looked up and noticed none other than his uncle Kol Mikaelson

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Years later in 1905, Casey was sitting on his bed in Philadelphia when he suddenly looked up and noticed none other than his uncle Kol Mikaelson. "Uncle Kol?" He spoke cautiously having not seen him for so many years.

Kol whipped his head to Casey "you can see me? How?"

Casey sighed realizing that his secret was going to come out. "I'm a medium. I can see ghosts." Kol nodded before Casey jolted "are you dead?"

Kol shook his head reassuring his nephew "I'm not permanently dead but I'm daggered by your father." 

Casey growled at that hating his father even more before he sighed "is my father still uncaring about my existence?" 

Kol looked at his nephew sadly "yes, he is." Casey nodded as Kol disappeared. Casey was used to it. His father not caring. He'd never cared in the hundreds of years that Casey had been alive. Hell his mother had abandoned him as well but he knew that it was partially because Klaus was after her and she wanted to keep him safe. 

Throughout the next hundreds of years, Kol and Casey continued talking and grew closer. Kol kept his nephew informed on everything that had happened and more including his siblings Marcel and Hope. 

It was the mention of both of them that pissed him off. So his father had cared enough to stay with Marcel and Hope but not enough to even talk to him. Kol knew that it hurt his nephew that his father kept ignoring him but Casey put up a mask to hide it. 

He learned that his mother died when Kol told him but what he hadn't expected was that three years later his mother would appear again as the Queen of bloody Hell. She offered to make him the first-ever Hell Witch by enhancing his powers. He had agreed and she worked the magic. 

When he woke up from her magic, she informed him that he now was a prince of hell and could do any spell he wanted but destructive magic and spells would come more naturally to him. She also told him that he had the power to turn any species he wanted into an enhanced version all they needed was his blood. He could also do spells to bring people back to life and to change species. 

The first person he thought of when he heard about changing someone's species was Kol. When Kol learned what his nephew was planning he was in disbelief. He had never thought of changing his witch side into siphoner magic and even if he had before now there was no witch powerful enough. 

Kol happily accepted the offer and became a Heretic and Casey's first enhanced sire line member. The second member was James Pierce who became an enhanced Medium and Vampire and the third was Kol's wife Davina Claire. Just by making those decisions, Casey Mikaelson changed the course of everything. 

Bloody Heirs - Spencer Salvatore (1)Where stories live. Discover now