"Welcome Back"

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An hour long helicopter ride later, you find yourself back at the WICKED complex. It's funny to think that just a few days ago, you were trying to escape this place, but now you're walking back inside the big entrance doors.

The sun's setting and you get a major sense of déjà vu as the doors slam shut once more.
"Welcome back." Janson says with a mocking smirk, but you know he's only joking.
"Thanks." You reply, nudging his shoulder lightly.
Janson escorts you through the long, winding corridors and you pass the canteen. You feel a knot in your stomach when you see all the teenagers laughing and joking, their fates inevitable.

"I know what you're thinking. But, I promise we don't hurt them. We don't kill them either." Janson says, stopping and placing a gentle hand on your shoulder.
"I know but it just doesn't feel right..." You say, biting the inside of your cheek.
Janson gives you a warm smile, "None of it feels right, but it's all worth it when we find a cure. Those kids will save humanity, and they don't even know it."
You feel a little better, but still, that knot remains in your stomach.

Janson shows you your new room. It's bigger than the bunks you and the Gladers stayed in, with a single bed and a small chair and desk.
"I know it's not much, but we plan to move setup someplace else. Oh, and Dr Paige will be here tomorrow. She's looking forward to seeing you." Janson says, handing you the keys to your new room.
You smile and enter your room, Janson follows behind you.

"I can't wait to see Ava. We had a good relationship, from what I remember." You say eagerly as you sit down on your bed. It's not comfy, but it's not the worst thing in the world.
"Yeah, she was fond of you. You're smart, and she picked up on that. But, I'm also quite fond of you." Janson smirks, giving you a wink.
You laugh and shake your head, "I knew you were going to say something along those lines."

Janson also laughs and sits down next to you on the bed.
"So, how much do you remember?" He asks in a slightly more serious tone now.
You shrug, "I remember most things. Some of it is still coming back to me."
Janson nods and puts his arm around your waist, "So, you remember me?"

"If I didn't remember you, then I wouldn't have made out with you." You say jokingly, rolling your eyes at him.
"I probably missed that most." He rubs your waist softly and you feel your heart beat a little quicker.
"What? Making out with me?" You ask, narrowing your eyes at him but still smiling.
He chuckles and nods with a big grin on his face.
"Now I'm starting to remember how much of a flirt you are." You say, shaking your head jokingly again.

Janson smiles and stands up, "You'd better get changed. I'll fill you in then."
You stand up as well and cross your arms, feeling confused as to what exactly you're getting changed into.
"Erm, I haven't got any clothes." You say slowly, tilting your head to the side.
Janson seems to find your confusion amusing and smirks. He points to a wardrobe that you only just noticed. It's small and matches the colour of the wall- a light grey.

"All your clothes from before are in there." He says, shrugging and walking to the door.
"You're leaving already?" You ask, slightly disappointed.
He looks back at you, "Well, you're getting changed. I'm not going to watch."
"I wouldn't mind." You say with a smirk, winking.
He laughs, "Neither would I."
He leaves the room, closing the door softly behind him.

You find yourself smiling, uncontrollably.


After changing into comfortable clothes, you leave your room. You lock the door and wander off to find Janson.

You bump into two gaurds, who greet you with a warm smile. It seems everyone remembers you, but you can't remember them.
You find Janson after a little wander. He's in the main security room, observing the cameras. There are some other people in there, all working on computers. Janson spins around when he hears you approach and smiles.
"Hey, y/n." He says, motioning for you to enter.
You enter the room and you're bombarded with greetings from the men inside. You feel uneasy, but Janson just shakes his head with a smile.

He walks over to you and kisses your forehead, causing your heart rate to spike - again.
He grabs your hand and leads you out.
"So, I have a few things I want to discuss with you." He says as you walk through the corridors.
You nod and take in your surroundings. You're pretty used to it by now, but still you're fascinated with the way of life in the complex.

Scientists are always rushing past, like they're in a hurry and gaurds patrol every door you walk past. The teenagers are in a separate section but you occasionally pass their bunks.
"Well, Ava will be here tomorrow. She's here to inspect the research we've been doing. I'm sure you'll run into her. And, we're planning to relocate soon." He says calmly, still holding your hand.
"Where to?" You ask, as this catches your interest.
"It's a city. We call it the Last City. It's where WICKEDS main base is. You'll feel more at home there, and you can get back to work." He says, smiling at you.
"I've been looking forward to that. I can't wait to find a damm cure." You say, giggling a little, "It's weird, because most people hate work." you add on.
Janson laughs a little aswell and stops walking, just outside your room. "Well, you've always been eager to find a cure." He says as you grab the key for your door.
You unlock your door and walk in. Janson leans on the door frame, smirking.

"I'll see you in the morning, then." He says casually.
You nod and kiss him on the cheek, "See you in the morning then." You say with a slight smirk.
10 minutes later, your laying in bed in your pyjamas, drifting off to sleep.

You've had a long few days, and you still haven't processed everything that's happened. You feel a sinking feeling as you think of the Gladers. You betrayed them, and they probably hate your guts. But, you did save their butt's... You only hope they can understand.
Long awaited sleep comes quickly, washing away all your dread.

WICKED Love || (Y/N x Janson Fanfiction- Maze Runner) Where stories live. Discover now