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"Alright and if you turn this corner you'll find, Chris and Sadie fighting over the last Pepsi. Who will win? Sadie, 5'5, ginger.. Or Christopher, 5'8, the drama-king" Nick narrates, pointing the camera between Chris and I.

I scoffed and turned my attention to Nick, "bitch im not 5'5 im 5'6" I try and defend, causing the two to burst into laughter. I roll my eyes at them, then I realized I could take this as an opportunity to take the can. "This is what the prep for a trip looks like guys, real uncut footage" Chris talks to the camera, not realizing that I currently had the can in my hand.

I try and quietly pop the seal, making sure I'm in frame enough for the video to catch it. Chris whips his head around at the sound and rushes toward me, and I bolt out of the kitchen with the can raised so I don't spill it. "GIVE IT!" He shouts.

"NO!" I call back.

Chris chased me all the way to his room, and Nick followed laughing behind the camera, where Matt looked up confused, "Sadie, im not joking give it here!" He shouts, as I hide behind Matt and take a sip. "Never" I say accomplished.

"What the hell are you two doing?" Matt questions, trying to move from in front of me. "your brothers trying to kill me over this Pepsi" I answer him, trying to hold him still so Chris wouldn't take the can.

Chris groans, "Sadessss, just let me have itttt" He holds out his hands. I let out a deep sigh and hand him the can, and let Matt go. "y'all act like 5 year olds. " Kam says from her spot on the small couch in Chris' room. I roll my eyes at this and shake my head, "there is no y'all, Christopher just chased me through the house over a Pepsi" I defend.

"You ran.. instead of just giving it" Chris teases. "Here Webby you can have mine, I just opened it." Matt offers, handing me his drink. Nick turns the camera toward himself and flips up the viewfinder so he can see himself.

"And that friends, is favoritism at its finest. Matthew would never share his drink knowing it's the last one in the house" Nick states in a fake British accent, causing Matt to roll his eyes. "Not favoritism, we just need to go grocery shopping" Matt states matter-of-factly. Nick shuts off the camera and I take a look around the room.

Chris happily drinking my Pepsi, Kam sitting on the sofa scrolling through her phone, Matt standing next to me and Nick walks over to Chris' desk and sets the camera down gently.

We leave for LA tomorrow morning, and we were all beyond excited. Nick let me borrow one of his suitcases and I immediately shoved everything I needed into it, and my essentials into my everyday backpack. Chris, coming up with the idea to vlog everything, was talking about how he envisioned the video being done. The three guys fell into conversation, as I went and sat next to Kamryn.

"Hi babes" She greeted me without looking up. I furrowed my eyebrows and nudged her arm, "whattt?" She exclaims jokingly as she looks up at me with a smile. "why are you so engrossed with your phone?" I question, she shrugs and puts it on the bed behind us.

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