In Your Worst Moment

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"as tragic as it seems
as hurtful as it feels
if they gave up on your
in your worst moment
they never really loved you"
- unknown


After five days in the woods, Becky, Freen, and the girls returned home with sun-kissed cheeks and mosquito bites all over.

Despite the rocky last day, they could all agree it was a successful, and satisfying getaway.

Presently, however, their peaceful getaway was rudely brought back to reality by a sick Nita.

Freen wasn’t sure if it was something the teen ate, or a flu she managed to catch, but Nita was a sick mess over their last night and a miserable passenger on the ride back home.

To make things worse, the teen seemed entirely opposed to receiving any help, and opted to hide in the bathroom the second Becky pulled up to the front of the house.

“I have to head to my place to put some stuff away, but I can pick up some flu medicine on my way back,” Becky said as she helped Freen organize the dirty clothes into appropriate laundry piles.

“That’s sweet of you. If I give you some cash maybe you can grab some more things for her like soup and ginger ale?” Freen asked, to which Becky shook her head in the negative.

“I can buy whatever you need, but I won’t take your money.”

“ Becky-.”

“Nope. It’s bad enough that you have to put up with Nita's anger again. The least I can do is buy some groceries to help lessen her blow.”

Freen smiled and pulled Becky into an embrace, kissing her neck as they held onto each other closely.

“Have I said that I loved you today?” Freen sighed, making Becky laugh.

“Once or twice,” the brunette promised as she gently brushed her nails under Freen's shirt.

“Before you head out, what do you say to a shower?” Freen asked, pulling back from the embrace and nodding her head towards the stairs.

“Tempting. But what about Emily?”

“When that girl naps, she naps hard. It’ll take a tornado tearing the roof off of this house to wake her up.”

“And Nita?” Becky followed up, making Freen sigh.

“Well, as she so kindly put it, she can ‘puke her guts out without my pathetic excuse for help.’”

“I take it this shower would help pick you up a bit?” Becky asked, smirking at Freen who nodded.

“All I want it a real, hot shower, with actual shampoo, conditioner, and soap. And you, of course.”

“Okay ka,” Becky agreed, kissing Freen once more before releasing her hips and taking her hand.

“Let’s get cleaned up then.”


Upstairs, Nita heaved into the toilet twice before attempting to take a calming breath.

Her whole body was practically shaking at this rate, and a small part of her felt guilty for pushing Freen away so rudely, but she had her fair reasons for it.

As she still maintained a semi-controlled breathing pattern, Nita couldn’t help but remember the first time she’d gotten sick in a foster home.

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