Season 10 Episode 6: Ask Jeeves Part 1

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Robin had helped Dean clean out the impala and happened to find one of Bobby's old phones wedged under the seat. She'd charged it up and reviewed nearly thirty unheard voicemails.

Most were what she'd expected; people looking for help on a case and dated back a while. It was actually the last one that caught her attention. A message about the estate of one Bunny LeCroix. Name didn't ring any bells. But apparently she was an heiress who had bequeathed something to him or his next of kin. The reading of the will was taking place in New Canaan in the next couple of days.

She had been going back and forth if she should make her way there or not. It could be a trap; it could be a fortune. She could go there with or without the Winchesters, she knew she had backup in Bridgeport if need be, even with her recent broadcast to the hunter population. She came out of her motel room in time to catch the Winchester's exchange about there being no leads on any new cases. They were on edge and needed some sort of distraction before they went ballistic.

"I got this bequeathal thing" she spoke up, explaining the situation to them. She shrugged as she suggested to them, "I'm gonna go to two can come with me if you want."

"What would an heiress leave Bobby" Sam's curiosity getting the best of him?

"Was Bobby banging the old broad" Dean asked?

"Um ew" Robin replied. "That's my dad."

"Says the girl who once told him I recorded her in an orgy" Dean snapped.

Robin snickered, recalling when she had in fact done as he said. "So you two in or what?"

"Might be interesting" Sam shrugged.

"Yeah" Dean nodded. "And honestly not all that comfortable with you doing a solo case after ringing the dinner bell."

"Good" She nodded, watching both of them relax slightly. "Pack your shit, we need to hit the road."

They made the trip to New Cannan and soon came across the lavish mansion of Bunny LaCroix.

Robin had changed into a dress from her FBI collection, a pair of heels and her leather jacket.

As they stepped out of the impala they took in their surroundings. "Think we're a little underdressed" Sam asked? "I mean we have our FBI threads too."

"Yeah they're not really helpin me too much" Robin admitted. "Should have packed that gown from that event for the old broad who got handsy with you."

"You kidding me" Dean looked at both of them like they were crazy. The three made their way to the front door. "For once, we don't have to wear suits. "You're lucky my waist band's not elastic."

Robin rang the doorbell and heard Beethoven's Fuer Elise chime inside the house. "Oh good" she grumbled. "Our goal is to embarrass me. Got it."

The door opened and a girl a couple years older than her opened it, decked out in a maid's uniform. "May I help you" she smiled sweetly?

"My name is Robin Singer" she introduced herself. "I'm here on behalf of Bobby Singer."

She paused for a moment and asked, "will Mr. Singer not be joining us?"

"Uh no" she sighed. "He's passed away. I'm his daughter."

"Oh" she gasped. "I am so sorry for your loss."

"Thank you" Robin nodded. "And you for yours."

"Thank you" she nodded. "Well, you just missed the funeral, but the family's relaxing inside if you'd like to join."

"Um" Robin looked back to the Winchesters, and they gave her a nod. "Sure, thank you" she nodded.

They were brought into a foyer that reached the ceiling above them with a spiral marble staircase off to the side. She guided them to a large lounge where several family members were gathered, most arguing.

"Allow me to introduce Robin Singer and her associates Sam and Dean Winchester" the maid announced. Sam stood beside Robin while Dean stood closely behind her. They were at the front of the room, suddenly halting the conversation and all eyes were on them.

A woman in her forties who desperately looked as though she was trying to pass for early thirties gave them an intrigued smile as she approached. "Sam and Dean Winchester of the Westchester Winchesters" she asked?

"Uh no. I don't think there's any relation" Sam shook his head. "Sorry."

"No matter" she replied sizing them up. "You three are adorable."

"Um" Robin narrowed her eyes and pursed her lips attempting to process the comment. "Thank you?"

"I'm Heddy" she introduced herself. "Bunny's cousin and this is my sister, Beverly."

A woman closer to Dean's age in a satin dress gave them a flirtatious wave. "Charmed I'm sure."

She pointed to the pool table across the room to a man in his fifties. "And that's Bunny's youngest brother Stanton. Stan for short."

"Come on in" he nodded unenthusiastically. "Join the mourning."

"And his child bride" she added bitterly pointing to the girl beside him. Just barely this side of twenty. "Amber."

"Go Stan" she cheered enthusiastically.

"Babe, don't" he huffed at her, messing up his shot. "You're breaking my concentration."

"Amateur" Robin said under her breath.

"And then there's Dash" Heddy continued pointing to the chiseled man a little younger than Robin, leaning against the mantle. "That's the baby of the family. He's Bunny's great nephew – Harvard business."

"How did you guys know Aunt Bunny" he asked them?

"I actually didn't" Robin admitted. "My father did, Bobby Singer."

"Bobby Never heard of him" Beverly announced boisterously. Her eyes filled with lust as they danced over to Sam. "But you can fill us in over the weekend, huh."

"The weekend" Dean asked?

"Didn't the attorney tell you" Heddy asked? "Service was today and the reading of the will tomorrow."

"Oh but you're welcome to spend the night" Beverly added. "All the rooms sleep two."

"Or three" Heddy smiled slapping Dean's ass and running a finger along Robin's jaw with a wink.

Dean awkwardly cleared his throat, "Okay."

Robin looked back at him, her jaw clenched and her eyes in awe of the proposition. Dean shrugged back at her innocently before they turned their attention back to the family.

"Where's Colette" Amber asked a man who had entered the room? The butler.

"She quit. Poor dear was so distraught over Mrs. LaCroix's passing" he explained. "Went off to find herself." He walked up to Robin and whispered. "May I have a word with you in the hall in five minutes?"

Robin nodded in response, and he stepped out of the room.

"So Sam tell me" Beverly asked? "Do you work out?"

The three took their first opportunity to duck out to the hall, shaking their heads.

"Charmed I'm sure" Dean asked? "what are these people?"

"I think they're called W.A.S.P.S" Sam replied.

"How about cougartown fishing for a threesome" Robin grumbled.

"You act like it's the first time a mature woman has propositioned you" Dean grinned at her.

"Oh" Robin replied sarcastically. "How silly of me."

The butler, Philip approached, clearing his throat. "My apologies for being so oblique back there, but I'm doing you a favor. As you know, Mrs. LaCroix bequeathed something to your Mister Singer. But the reading of the will isn't until tomorrow and I would hate for you to have to stick around and be forced to – well mingle with the family."

"Don't worry Alfred, we know which one the shrimp fork is" Dean snapped.

Robin looked at him in surprise. "Do you?"

He shook his head admitting to the fib.

"Oh Mr. Winchester, if you're implying that I don't think you're good enough, it's quite the contrary" Philip replied with sincerity. "You're far too good. The LaCroix family is... How shall I say this politely? grubbing leaches."

"What are you talking about" Dean asked? "I thought they were all loaded."

"Loaded – yes; Rich – no" Phillip explained. "The recession hit every one of them and I'm afraid if they knew what Bunny left you, those vultures would try to stake claim. And since the attorney kindly agreed to a hand-off, you don't have to be subjected to their scrutiny." He turned his attention to Robin and handed her a large envelope. "I don't know how your father knew Mrs. LaCroix, but I do know he was a very kind and understanding man when I met him. Now if there is nothing else, I'll have Olivia show you out."

:No, no. That's uh...we got it. Thanks" Dean replied.

Robin opened the envelope and looked inside. It was a large ornate piece of jewelry. It was a cross with what looked like rubies and diamonds in it.

Dean looked over her shoulder. "Think those rocks are real" he asked about to reach inside?

She slapped his hand away. "Maybe" she shrugged. "But knowing what my father worked with, it could be a cursed object too. Best to have it looked at." She reached in her pocket and pulled out a phone. "Hey Luke, it's Robin Singer."

"So who is this Luke guy" Dean asked as they got in the car?

"Luke Devereux" she replied with a sigh. "Owns a pawn shop, but in the back dabbles in occult items. Met when we were kids."

"Devereux" Sam asked?

"Yeah" she scoffed. "He's Frank's son. They haven't spoken in years."

"But you've stayed in contact" Dean was fishing.

"No history Dean" she was blunt about it. "Luke is gay. His father wasn't all that accepting. Bad intel from Frank resulted in the death of a good friend of mine, Jamie Hill. He was the love of Luke's life. He never forgave Frank. Neither did I."

There was a long cold silence as the three drove to Bridgeport.

They arrived at the pawn shop and the bell on the door jingled on their way in. The cold drive was soon thawed by the warm greeting.

"Robin Singer" a young man with blue eyes came out from behind the counter arms opened.

"Hey Luke" she smiled hugging him then taking a step back.

"You look amazing" he told her. "I like the red hair. Suits the fiery personality I remember."

"Been too long" she shook her head with a smile.

"Eight years" he smiled. "You're hunting still? Why am I asking? I heard the hunter-wide broadcast. The hell were you thinking girl?"

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