48: Harry

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me: so um Harry


Harry: Yes my beautiful princess

me: wtf is this a Disney movie or sum shit


Harry: /: that was me being nice

me: Ok sorry, but

me: you have to go on a date with me, this weekend


Harry: Hell yeah, hell yeah, hell yeah, fukin right fukin right all right

me: listen Drake, it wasn't my idea it was Mel's


Harry: Tell Mel that I love her

me: ???


Harry: Tell her she gets my entire life savings bc she got me adate with u

me: *sighs*


Harry: You watch Beth, by the end of this date, you'll be mine.

a/n so I started a new story and you guys should check it out on my profile, especially if you like Nat Wolff (; (totally self promo going on) thanks for continuing to read this story!

don't worry I will still update this story regularly, I am waiting until the other story (STUCK OUT OF LOVE) gets more reads and votes to start updating that one regularly. (: okay byeeee xx

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