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Taehyung still had not processed what had just happened.

This is not what he was expecting, not even close.

For a fact he knew he will meet Jungkook at some point now that he was back in Korea. He was an artist after all, or at least he hoped he had not given up on that passion.

But not here, not like this.

Everything that has been happening did not feel real.


His daughter, he was most certainly not expecting that. But he had no time to keep going down the rabbit hole of questions when he noticed Jungkook approaching.

"You are done?" he asked. "Yes" Jungkook replied.

"I will walk you to your car" Taehyung offered, having noticed that Jungkook was carrying a bag. "O, thank you. But it's okay, I need to call for a car first" Jungkook replied.

Taehyung was a bit surprised, as he was half expecting the other to be driving, or have a driver waiting. Without giving it much thought, he spoke.

"Then I can give you a ride" he offered
"O, that's okay, it wont take long for the car to come" Jungkook declined

"I insist-"

Jungkook decided to just accept the offer, he was tired as it is, and Haneul needed to be in the comfort of her bed by now.

So they made their way to where Taehyung's driver was waiting, Jungkook gave him the address and they left.

"She's a really smart girl" Taehyung commented, wanting to make some small talk. "O yeah she is" Jungkook replied with a small smile.

"I don't know much about kids, but for a three year old, she is a little genius"

Besides the fact that Haneul sometimes mistakes numbers, especially when she is tired; she is also small. She has a small body that some people even assume she is at least two, kids her age and those younger than her are significantly bigger than her.

Jungkook simply smiled at Taehyung's comment, he figured adding to it might lead to a conversation that he didn't want to have.

After a while, they arrived.

Taehyung was dying to ask, seeing the house or rather by the looks of it, the mansion the stopped in front of. Was this were Jungkook lived?

As they drove inside after the gate was opened, a man and a woman walked towards them, could be maids, Taehyung thought.

"It's okay uncle, I will be okay" Jungkook said when the man approached him once he got out of the car, "okay, just call if you need anything"

"Thank you" Jungkook said before wishing both of them a good night.

"Would you like to come in for a cup of coffee" Jungkook offered, it was the most he could do at this point.

Taehyung had already decided in his mind that if Jungkook would not invite him in, he would have to find a way to get inside. But now he was glad that he didn't have to do any of that.

"I will be back, I have to tuck her in" Jungkook said holding his daughter in his arms.
"Of course, take your time"

Taehyung was left in the living room and he was looking around, was Jungkook married and lived here with his family? he figured he had to be.

Taehyung wanted to look around some more when he overhead Jungkook on the phone,

"Yes, we just got home, I just tucked her in............"
"No, not trouble at all, your girl was such a princess tonight" Jungkook said with a laugh.
"Okay, you should get back to your work, I will tell you all about it tomorrow..."

Taehyung quickly returned to his spot when he heard Jungkook returning, "sorry for taking too long" Jungkook said.
"It's okay", the reply came.

"O yes, your coffee" Jungkook said as if a light bulb went off in his head. He excused himself, but didn't go far when he stopped.

"You don't drink coffee do you, I am so sorry, how about tea? juice? anything?" Jungkook offered. Taehyung smiled a little, "tea is good". Jungkook asked him to get comfortable while he goes to the kitchen.

Taehyung figured it would be rude to ask some of the questions he was thinking of, "you can't ask that" he told himself.

A couple of minutes later, Jungkook was back was a cup of tea.

Taehyung did not like tea, but he was glad he asked for something hot, that way he could stay longer.

"How was the exhibition?" Taehyung asked,
"o, it was great, uhm- I had a lot of people stop by"
"That's to be expected, your art is really great-"

"How-how have you been?" Jungkook asked, not knowing what else to say. "I have been fine, how about you?" Taehyung asked i return.
 "I have been fine too"

There were a lot of pauses in between.

"I should get going" Taehyung said, although he wanted to stay longer. But it had been a long night and thought Jungkook would be tired and he didn't want to take up his time.

"O, okay. Thank you for everything" Jungkook said as they both stood up.

They walked to the door and Taehyung told him he didn't need to walk him out. After saying good night, he left.

Jungkook had a lot on his mind, but he was tired and he felt like he had been holding his breath the whole time he was with Taehyung, now he felt more relaxed.

He went to check on his daughter, she was fast asleep. He spent a couple of minutes just watching her and brushing the hair out of her face, "silly girl" he said in a low voice with a smile.

Taehyung slouched in the car seat, he wasn't sure about how he felt. He saw the pictures in the house.

Who were those people? was that Jungkook's family? He rubbed his forehead, "Why am I even thinking about this?" he asked himself.

But he couldn't do anything now, or any time soon. Having found out that Jungkook is part of the team travelling the following week.

That meant he will only see him again in about a week, for a day or too and that would be for work.

"Should I take you home sir?" the driver asked, "yes please" Taehyung replied as he closed his eyes.

Tonight had been quite eventful.


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