Masturbation?- Os BeacroxXCale

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Beacrox bufo in regret, he was not in himself annoyed by taking a vacation by force, he sometimes also understood that he should rest, but not this way, he was annoyed that they literally ran him from his own kitchen without saying that the cause of this was his young teacher and his father, his own father! he was fine, he did not understand why he was sent, it was the first time he exploded due to stress and fatigue, he did not attack anyone, but he should not have said those things either, he was sometimes a little cruel with his words, Beacrox scratched his cheek somewhat worried, he was human after all.

Beacrox sighed running his hands over his face, well he should only know that this was a punishment, after all he shouted to his young master some truths, but... who would not be angry if his lover got hurt, He stabbed himself!, Beacrox tried to breathe deeply, the simple fact of remembering infuriated him, Beacrox looked at his suitcase, it was ready, the carriage below was waiting for him, Beacrox pressed his lips remembering the face of his lover, his young master had watched him surprised as everyone present even the prince himself had looked at him surprised, he had problems now, a thought crossed his mind ... his young master was still afraid of him?, Beacrox could not help but feel dizzy and nauseated at the thought of it.

Low without saying anything, in the mansion there was more silence, it was as if he left, even though there was silence in his mind there was chaos, Beacrox knew that it cost him a lot to reach his relationship now, his affection, take his hand, or a smile, even his kisses!, everything had cost him, all to just know that Cale was afraid of him yet, Beacrox pursed his lips and tried to stay still as he got into the carriage, Beacrox said goodbye toscamen te of his father, who raised an eyebrow at that fact, but did not say more, finally he came out.

Beacrox remembered Cale's face, he was surprised, and he was sure that his eyes were some fear, the eldest did not know how to take this, he had not come even to say goodbye, was this his way of telling him to get away?, Was it the way to send him away by the scream?, He really did not know how to take that trip, He still remembered how his father threw his arm out of the room after yelling at the redhead, his father asked him what the hell was going on, and why he behaved like that, he sent him to the kitchen, and the next thing Beacrox knew was the fact that his father told him that Cale had given him a vacation.

Beacrox at least would have liked to talk to him, and apologize for the screams, but even that he could not do, his young master did not even let him into the room his father, he carried the meals, Beacrox recharged his head in the glass of the carriage and sighed, was it the way to tell him that theirs was over? Beacrox laughed bitterly, he was an idiot, overthought a lot, but the uncertainty in his heart was still there.

Beacrox observed the huge house of the, I did not expect it to be so big, it was a house on the sea, nearby, as if it were made for an important event, to the surprise of the there was no staff, no one, no servant, that he liked, he could be calm, Beacrox looked at the kitchen, checked very carefully everything that was there, It was equipped with everything, even with fruits and vegetables that he loved to eat, he had taken care of it all, Beacrox continued to go around the house, trying to find some weapons, spells and potions, there was everything, what he found strange is that the main room was made, and on this a small letter.

Hello, I really do not know how to start writing this, I hope you enjoy these weeks here, you have been working a lot, not only do you serve me, but you take care of the wolf children, wash and help fight constantly, so take this time to relax and clear your mind, we will be waiting for your return - De Cale

Postscript: I'll go see you sometime.

Beacrox did not know how to take this letter, Cale really commanded it, being somewhat rough, direct it was noticeable that it was short and almost cold, Beacrox frowned at that, they were never loving each other, but there was always something subtle, this was a simple letter, sonsa and without a touch of what he wanted, Beacrox just got more frustrated, he really wanted to go back to his young master and ask if everything was okay.

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