More training

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*Slenderman P.O.V*

I am not going to tell Cheyenne what happen with Amy and Smile. I was in my office when I heard the door open. It was Cheyenne. "Hey Slendy can I ask a favor?" "Sure Cheyenne. What is it?" I looked at her. She sat down in the chair and looked down. I was a little worried. "Can you train me like you did Amy?" She looked at me with sadness in her eyes. I noded and told her to be outside tomorrow at 5 am

*3 weeks later*

She was train and she was appeal to change her look into anyone she could. Her finally test was to trick Jack into thinking she was a little girl lost in the woods. She changed into a 4 year old girl with red hair and white dress. She ran into the woods where I had sent Jack earlier to look over. Two hours passef and Jack came back with Cheyenne in his arms "Slendy, I found this little one losted in the woods. Is it okay if we keep her?" I smiled and told her that she passed the test. She changed back into herself again. She was laughing. Jack started laughung too. She was ready to do what ever she wanted to do with the training.

*Cheyenne's P.O.V*

I look for Amy noe that she wont notice me. I told Jeff I would be gone for sometime and that I WILL come back. I was looking for Amy and Smile for 5 weeks. Till I found them, I got a to them and changed into a 18 year old girl with brown hair and green eyes. I was in a black short skirt and white shirt. I had white heels on. I moved in and walked to Amy's house. I knocked and she answered. I was happy to see her again. "Um...hi I am Rose. I just moved in next door and I was wondering if you could help me move in a couch. Please." She smiled and helped me. "By the way name is Amy." "That is a nice name. Thanks again maybe we can hang out some later." She noded. Amy walked home and I walked into my new house. This was going to be easy. A little too easy.....

Sorry for it being short just been really busy. Hope yall enjoy

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