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Akira POV

we were sitting at the table with me listening to music while Kyo said that he beat up someone and lost a job "Kyo let me find a job" "no! the last time you got a job I had to come to rescue you from that pervert of a shop owner!!" Kyo said and I nod sighing.

they were talking about the festival and I wanted to join but Kyo wouldn't let me at least I know that I will have great fun with Sunako.

we were walking into school with me carrying Hiroshi while Suna carried Josephine and Akira "are you alright carrying them?" "I'm fine. thank you for helping me" "no problem. i want to help out the best I can" i said and she smiled letting us walk into school.

we got to class and got everything set up until I heard an explosion "Sunako stay here. I'm going to check on Kyo. knowing him he got into another fight" "alright" she said and I walked out of the room.

i was dressed up like an old doll wearing a dark lolita dress with black stockings and black heels so I could like one with makeup making it look like I had creaks on my skin.

i walked outside and found Kyohei and other people around them "Kyohei what did you do now?" I asked walking up to them and I saw everyone freeze making me confused "Akira what are you wearing?" "it's my costume! were doing a haunted house" i said...

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i walked outside and found Kyohei and other people around them "Kyohei what did you do now?" I asked walking up to them and I saw everyone freeze making me confused "Akira what are you wearing?" "it's my costume! were doing a haunted house" i said walking up to him while everyone kept staring "do you need any help?" "no I'm fine. these assholes started a fight with me because I was cooking" he said and I turned to the boys seeing them staring so I walked up to them and knelt to their level "stop picking fights with my brother. i don't want him to get into trouble" i said and they nod making me smile and stand up "Kyo. I'll help you clean up" "no i can handle this. you go back to class and remember what I taught you" "I know. I'll be careful. bye Kyo" i said kissing his cheek and he did the same to me "yeah see ya Ki" he said and I walked off smiling.

i walked into my class and I sat down in a chair acting like a doll and not moving but I have headphones in so I could scare people without hurting myself.

the door opened and I saw them turn to me but when I was going to move to scare them I saw that it was Kyo "hi Kyo!" I said standing up and walking up to him "hey. i see you're doing well" "I am doing great! they let me be part of it as can scare people well," i said and he shivered knowing all of the times that i scared him.

we walked inside and Kyohei wrapped himself in a cloth, making me sigh and sit next to him while Sunako went back to doing what she was doing.

i heard someone walk in and i got into position sitting on a chair in the shadow with my headphones in and hidden seeing it was the head of our class with a girl so i turned my music louder.

they started to scream when they saw Sunako and i moved a bit making them see me "did that just move?" "yeah but i can't see them," they said and i jumped letting out a scream making them scream as well, i laughed at their reaction but to them, it sounded creepy.

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