Therapist Friend (💗,💔?)

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{2nd person pov}

[Written by Blossom 🌸]

"God damnit." You cussed coming home from school.

"Hey baby!" Tanjiro called from your living room, he was waiting for you since you had to stay after school for drama/sports.

You just groaned in response and got some chips and sighed to yourself.

"Honey? You ok?" He looked at you concerned. He stood up and walked over to you.

"Yes I'm fine." You lied.
Tanjiro hummed to himself for a second then hugged you from behind.

"Bad day? Bad practice?" He asked calmly.

"No it's just-" You stopped yourself, trying to figure out how to word it.
"It's just what baby love?" Tanjiro asked against your neck, giving it a gentle kiss.

"I...I'm so sick of being the therapist friend y'know?" You sigh and eat a chip.

"Did something happen sweetie? You can tell me. You can tell me everything or absolutely nothing." He kissed your ear. Trying to comfort you slightly through actions if you weren't ready for words.

"A friend started randomly venting about her parents and siblings. And how much they suck. And it was so out of nowhere. Which just reminds me of how good I have it." You looked down at his arms around your waist. Smiling ever so slightly at the sight of his presence.

You then took a breath and continued, "I have parents who love me, friends, a safe place called home, good grades, and a amazing boyfriend. And they probably don't...which makes me feel bad so I-" You were cut off by your handsome boyfriend and his sweet voice.

"No no no. Honey. My baby. My darling love. You can't change their life. Just because your life is so good doesn't mean that you should feel bad because their life isn't the same. You can't control that. And you never will be able to, no matter how much you wish you could." He kissed your head.

"Tanjiro you don't understand...they said they have depression and I makes me feel like my feelings and problems don't matter. Because compared to them, they don't. They sound like bullshit and like I'm just wanting attention." You explained. Biting the inside of your cheek, trying to stop tears from forming.

"Oh honey love..." Tanjiro whispered, rubbing your sides to comfort you hopefully.

"Feelings and problems are nothing you should compare. Everyone struggles. Including me and you. That doesn't make our issues any less of human. They're called problems for a reason. Because they aren't the greatest thing and affect us my love." He stopped talking for a second to kiss your head again.

"I'm not trying to deny their home life and depression. But their problems shouldn't make you feel like a bad person for having your own struggles in life. No one's life is perfect. Yes they might 'have it worse' in the long run but that doesn't mean that your issues and feelings are stupid or bullshit. Please try to understand that sweetheart." He nuzzled into your neck. Planting another light kiss on it.

You sighed, "I'm just sick of having to be a therapist. Hearing others problems and ingoring my own for their sake."

Tanjiro breathed against your neck, "Well you can always tell me anything angel. It's not fair that you can't get what you deserve in return from them. But I can't do anything about that but offer my own listening. And as long as you talk to someone I'm glad. Because then you're getting it all out at least. Just know, you're an amazing person. Such a sweetheart. Such a sweet baby angel. My sweet angel. And I love you." He whispered against your skin. Throwing in some more innocent neck kisses along his little speech.

Your hand found it's way to his hair as you started to play with it.
"What did I do to deserve you Tanjiro..?"

"You were an angel and the sweetest thing I've ever met and seen." You felt him smile against your shoulder, his arms still hugging you and around your waist.

You smiled again feeling his lips curl into that adorable smile you always have loved. A real smile this time.

You looked at him, he looked up at you.

"I love you Tanjiro."
"I love you too baby."

A sweet kiss was shared.
And you smiled into the kiss while thinking to yourself:

He's sweeter and more of an angel than I am. What is he talking about?

743 words
Yo it's been a while.
Wrote this because a friend randomly dropped all of this on me today and I needed comfort. Plus I don't think there's any therapist friend comfort things.
So I made my own :)
Idk who even reads these, but that's all for now!
Bye!!! <33333

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