After 3 days

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I haven't been this worried about someone for the past 3 days, but Pomni...

poor Pomni, I really hope she finds a way out of here... but why would she want to leave

This place is fun it's... the reason I'm stuck here

I walk over to Pomni who is sobbing like she did yesterday

Y/n: "Hey you ok?"

Pomni looked at me

Pomni: "No im not, i don't wanna be here"

Y/n: "listen Pomni i know you want to leave, but..."

I thought of what yo say but, what do I say?

Just say "Oh sorry there's no way out you're stuck here for good" NO!

I put a hand on her shoulder

Y/n: "Hey if you need to talk I'm all ears"

My face feels warm when I touch her shoulder... it felt nice.

Like calming a puppy down... A very cute puppy

Pomni: "Ok... thanks"

Y/n: "no problem, talk to me anytime"

I walk away, I see Pomni looking at me, a smile forms on her face

I haven't seen her smile for awhile... It looked nice.

In my room, I thought about Pomni, I remember how scared she was...

I lay on my head, but an alarm wakes me up


I get up angry and walk out my room

Third person POV

Unbeknownst to Y/n, there feelings would grow

As a white ghostly figure with rainbow eyes and a red tux, watches in amusement

The real show is slowly beginning


Hey guys toxivillain here, so this a joke story

I love tadc a lot and I want to see some more

By the way if you guys like it I will make a part 2, if you guys can wait

I have to make a slasher story of disventure camp... So yeah

Thanks for reading, have a great day

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