Dead of Night

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Luigi had never felt more terrified in his life.  He didn't know what was happening to his body.  He thought at first he must've hit his funny bone in the fall but this was much more intense.  He'd also never hit his funny bone hard enough for his hand to glow.  It had to be his lack of sleep and food, right? Right? Even worse still, Bowser was now half kneeling in front of him holding his almost numb hand and staring lasers through him. He had been scared to look up. What was going on? For the umpteenth time since his kidnapping, Luigi presumed that this was where he'd meet his end.

But when he did look up, Bowser wasn't glaring at him but rather he looked... scared? Concerned? Was he ... grimacing? It was hard to tell, Luigi wanted to search his face and figure out what he was thinking.  Unfortunately, there were much more pressing concerns, like his arm, Bowser's hand on his shoulder, and the fact he couldn't stop staring into those crimson eyes.

"Hey," Bowser said softly. When Luigi failed to respond, he didn't react with anger.  He looked vaguely anxious but appeared to be hiding a lot more emotion under the surface.  Hopefully not rage.

"Do you think you can do that?" The King's voice seemed strained. 

Do what? Luigi couldn't remember what Bowser had said, How was he supposed to? His hand was glowing for fuck's sake! 

"Just follow my breath." It was as if Bowser could read his mind.  "Breathe with me.  Four seconds in, four seconds hold, four seconds out and then hold for another four. Just follow my lead.  I'll do all the counting."

Why was Bowser doing this? What sort of manipulation tactic was this? Luigi didn't have time to overthink as the king took in a deep breath.  

Despite everything in his brain telling him not to, Luigi followed suit. 

He didn't know how long it took to calm his breath but Bowser had been extremely patient. The koopa did not stop his steady breathing unless it was to reassure Luigi that everything would be ok. He even told the man he was doing a great job.  Luigi never took Bowser as the type to even know the word patience.  Yet here he was being the very definition of it.

Slowly, Luigi was able to catch his breath, and slowly his hand stopped glowing. What the hell? 

"How are you feeling?" Bowser slowly started to let go of him.  If Luigi wasn't mistaken, the great tyrant winced the tiniest bit.

"Better, thank you," Luigi stared down at his feet in embarrassment.  What was that all about? 

"Do you know what that was, Greenie? Has that happened before?"

Luigi shook his head.  It was terrifying. Did Kamek do this to him when he was doing that evaluation? Was this one of Bowser's tricks?  To calm him down and get him comfortable and-

"It's ok. Kamek said you probably wouldn't know. If you'd like I can call-

So he did do this!  He yanked his hand away and stepped back.

"What did you do to me you, overgrown turtle? Did you force Kamek to put some kind of evil spell on me?"  He fought back tears. This couldn't be happening. What would he tell Mario? Would he get to see Mario again? 

"What?" Bowser looked genuinely surprised. The nerve of this beast. To calm him down from something he caused? Then fake being surprised? That was rich. That was so... Bowser.

"No, no." Bowser lifted his hands in some sort of mock surrender.  This whole charade was insulting.  "That's not it."

"What is it then?" Luigi glared at him.  "What else could it possibly be?"

"I don't know." The King shook his head. Was it the reflections from the candles or were there dark circles under his eyes? "I can explain all I know. Would you like to come in?"  He gestured to the room behind him.

Luigi stared at him.  The King looked haggard and tired he seemed to be trying to subtly grimace.  What the hell was going on?  He really didn't want to go into that room but Bowser said he had answers but he could be lying.  

Luigi's stomach chose that exact moment to rumble. Bowser's eyes widened. Luigi wanted to sink into the floor and never be seen again.

"When did you last eat?" Bowser looked like he might know the answer and was extremely concerned about it. 

"Last night, " the plumber reluctantly admitted.

Bowser cursed under his breath. "Come in. I have food.  The kitchens are closed until tomorrow.  You need to eat."

What choice did he really have? Stay out here with an angry Bowser and starve or go into a dangerous situation with a possibly less angry Bowser with food.

He did need to eat. 

Wordlessly, he nodded.

Bowser stepped out of the way allowing Luigi to pass him as he entered the room.

If Peach's room was luxury, this was heaven. The room was lit up by see-through tubes filled with lava.  On the left behind Bowser, was a large ebony wooton desk. As he scanned across the room, he saw a balcony similar to the one in Peach's room but much larger.  All of the trim in this room was black.  Luigi thought it looked surprisingly elegant. Inside the room facing the balcony was a large plush couch.  He could smell food coming from the balcony so he only glanced right.  There was a massive canopy bed, a door, and maybe other furniture.  It wasn't important.  What was important was him getting that food.

Behind him, Bowser began to shut the door.  Food temporarily forgotten, Luigi spun around in fear.  Bowser did not fully shut the door, instead leaving it open a crack.

"Don't want to lock you in," he explained. "Food is on the balcony.  I'll explain what I know once you've got some food in your system."

Luigi was confused.  Earlier today Bowser was an evil tyrant who had tried to kill him.  Now?  he was treating him with the kindness of a friend.  Why was he acting this way?

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