~5| Moving In

36 5 2

It's the same day of the game. I'm not sure if I should go.

My dad helps me carry the last box into my apartment. It's all really nice. He wasn't lying about putting me in a five star place.

My dad walks up to me and gives me a hug. "You got everything you need here. Kitchen, bathroom, living room, your room, even with two extra rooms, and the best part you have a nice view of the city."

I look around my apartment, it's all very nice. "Thanks dad."

"You're welcome Nik. I would do anything for you."

He looked down at his watch.

"I have my first interview in thirty minutes. I got to run."

As he's running out of the apartment he yells "No boys yet Nik! I want this apartment to be a no boys area! He stops running. "Actually I want to meet him first."

I laugh at him. "Yeah Dad! Nothing to worry about! At least not til later!" I tease.

"Nikki Adaline Anderson!" He yells from the car.

Woah. He hasn't said that to me since, forever.

"I want to atleast meet him first." He continues with a shy tone. "Alright I'm going! See you later alligator!"

"Good luck dad!".

I walk back into my apartment and start to unpack my clothes in my room.

It feels good to be alone. I'm in my own place, no one bothering me. It's quiet. So I turn on my speakers and hook up my phone.

I like the band Journey. I click on their album.

I changed into a big shirt. No pants. Then started to dance around the apartment. I slid down the hallway with my broom and strung it like a guitar.

Towards the end of the song I didn't even realize that my blinds were open. An old married couple were clapping their hands to the beat of my music. In their room, in an another building.

I was in shock. While I was walking towards the window to close the shades the old lady yelled "You're a great dancer young lady."

Oh my lord. I just made a fool of myself. I held up my hand and said thank you back in return. And closed my blinds.

That wasn't embarrassing at all.

I heard my music turn off. So I run to my room and looked at my phone. My phone was ringing. The collar ID said Loren.

"Heyy!" I'm out of breath while running to my room.

"Hey Nikki! I was wondering if you wanted to be picked up to go to the game with me remember? You wanted to go." Loren says in excitement.

Loren knows I don't want to go because of Garrette. But I'll go just for her. " Yeah I'll go with you. But you need to pick me up in my apartment."
"Apartment!? Honey you didn't tell me anything about an apartment." She yells through the phone.

"I'll explain later. Love you!" She knows that I love her.

"Yeah huh, you better. Send me your address. And be ready in fifteen."

"Alright see you then." I hung up the phone.

What should I wear? Looking into my suitcase.

I picked out nice dark skinny jeans, a white tanktop, my black vans, and a necklace that I got from forever 21.

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